Legislature(2021 - 2022)
2021-05-06 House Journal
Full Journal pdf2021-05-06 House Journal Page 0896 SB 28 The State Affairs Committee considered: CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 28(STA) "An Act establishing April 24 of each year as Vic Fischer and Jack Coghill Constitution of the State of Alaska Day; and providing for an effective date." and recommends it be replaced with: HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 28(STA) (same title) The report was signed by Representative Kreiss-Tomkins, Chair, with the following individual recommendations: Do pass (5): Claman, Story, Kaufman, Tarr, Kreiss-Tomkins No recommendation (2): Eastman, Vance The following fiscal note(s) apply to HCS CSSB 28(STA): 1. Zero, Office of the Governor/Combined 3. Zero, Office of the Governor/Various Depts. CSSB 28(STA) was referred to the Rules Committee.