Legislature(2021 - 2022)

2022-05-11 House Journal

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2022-05-11                     House Journal                      Page 2864
CSHB 226(FIN) am                                                                                                                
Second Reading                                                                                                                  
Amendment No. 4                                                                                                                 
YEAS:  14   NAYS:  26   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                              
Yeas:  Carpenter, Cronk, Eastman, Gillham, Johnson, Kaufman,                                                                    
Kurka, McCabe, McCarty, McKay, Prax, Rauscher, Shaw, Tilton                                                                     
Nays:  Claman, Drummond, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Hannan,                                                                        
Hopkins, Josephson, Kreiss-Tomkins, LeBon, Merrick, Nelson, Ortiz,                                                              
Patkotak, Rasmussen, Schrage, Snyder, Spohnholz, Story, Stutes, Tarr,                                                           
Thompson, Tuck, Vance, Wool, Zulkosky                                                                                           
And so, Amendment No. 4 was not adopted.                                                                                        
Representative Tuck moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                      
CSHB 226(FIN) am be considered engrossed, advanced to third                                                                     
reading, and placed on final passage.                                                                                           
There was objection.                                                                                                            
CSHB 226(FIN) am will advance to third reading on tomorrow's                                                                    
HB 357                                                                                                                        
The following was read the second time:                                                                                         
     HOUSE BILL NO. 357                                                                                                         
     "An Act naming the Bragaw Street overcrossing of the Glenn                                                                 
     Highway the Insook Baik Bridge."                                                                                           
with the:                                                       Journal Page                                                    
 TRA RPT 2DP 2AM 2544                                                                                                           
 FN1: (DOT) 2544                                                                                                                
 FIN RPT 6DP 2NR 2786                                                                                                           
 FN1: (DOT) 2786                                                                                                                
Amendment No. 1 was offered  by Representatives Gillham and                                                                      