Legislature(2019 - 2020)
2019-01-30 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf2019-01-30 Senate Journal Page 0147 SJR 5 SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 5 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, 2019-01-30 Senate Journal Page 0148 Proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Alaska relating to the Alaska permanent fund and the permanent fund dividend. was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs, Judiciary and Finance Committees. The following fiscal information was published today: Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Office of the Governor Governor's transmittal letter dated January 29: Dear President Giessel: Under the authority of Article III, Section 18, of the Alaska Constitution, I am transmitting a resolution to amend the Constitution of the State of Alaska, Article IX, Section 15. For decades, the Alaska Permanent Fund and the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) have functioned as intended. Its recent politicization has broken trust with Alaskans, taken important dollars from our state economy, and placed a direct financial burden on Alaskans and their families without an affirmative vote of the people. The proposed amendment would constitutionally protect the people’s right to determine the future of the PFD. The amendment requires voter approval for any changes to the existing dividend program in the future. The PFD creates a vital connection between the people and the government by providing every Alaskan a share of our great state’s natural resources. Distributing a dividend which is based on performance of the fund also creates an important connection between its owners and the activities and investments that provide the fund’s security and growth. I propose this measure as the most effective means of protecting the PFD and ensuring its sustainable use for generations to come. The principle of the Alaska Permanent Fund is constitutionally protected, and I believe that Alaskans' share of the common resource wealth 2019-01-30 Senate Journal Page 0149 should also be protected. Any change to the statutory PFD formula would require a vote of the people. It is Alaskans’ PFD and I trust them with its future. This amendment would be placed before the voters at the next state general election. Sincerely, /s/ Michael J. Dunleavy Governor