Legislature(2019 - 2020)
2020-02-12 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf2020-02-12 Senate Journal Page 1719 SB 189 SENATE BILL NO. 189 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled: "An Act relating to the fish and game fund; establishing the sport fishing enhancement surcharge; relating to the repeal of the sport fishing facility surcharge; providing for an effective date by amending the effective date of sec. 21, ch. 18, SLA 2016; and providing for an effective date." was read the first time and referred to the Resources and Finance Committees. The following fiscal information was published today: Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Fish and Game Governor's transmittal letter dated February 11: 2020-02-12 Senate Journal Page 1720 Dear President Giessel: Under the authority of Article III, Section 18, of the Alaska Constitution, I am transmitting a bill relating to sportfish hatchery bond surcharges. This bill would allow the Department of Fish and Game to continue collecting a reduced sportfishing license surcharge beyond the date it is set to expire. Currently, the sportfishing facility surcharge is collected in order to pay off bonds issued to construct the Ruth Burnett hatchery in Fairbanks and the William Jack Hernandez hatchery in Anchorage. The surcharge also funds Chinook and Coho salmon production for southeast Alaska, which will be lost when the surcharge sunsets. The statutes authorizing the bonds and the surcharge will sunset on January 1 of the calendar year following the repayment of the bond obligations, which is anticipated to be later in 2020. This bill would retain the statute authorizing the department to collect the surcharge but at a reduced rate. The surcharge revenue would be used for ongoing maintenance and repairs at state sport fish hatchery facilities as well as enhancement of sport fisheries in southeast Alaska, directly benefiting sport anglers. This is an effective way to support economic development with only a small remaining surcharge for Alaskan residents, accordingly, I urge your prompt and favorable action on this measure. Sincerely, /s/ Mike Dunleavy Governor