Legislature(2019 - 2020)

2020-03-18 House Journal

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2020-03-18                     House Journal                      Page 1944
The report was signed by Representative Spohnholz, Chair, with the                                                              
following individual recommendations:                                                                                           
Do pass (4):  Hannan, Story, Fields, Spohnholz                                                                                  
No recommendation (1):  Stutes                                                                                                  
The following fiscal note(s) apply:                                                                                             
6. Fiscal, Dept. of Commerce, Community, & Economic                                                                             
7. Indeterminate, Dept. of Revenue                                                                                              
8. Fiscal, Alaska Judiciary System                                                                                              
9. Zero, Senate Finance Committee/Combined                                                                                      
CSSB 52(FIN) am was referred to the Finance Committee.                                                                          
The Speaker stated that, without objection, the House would advance                                                             
                            UNFINISHED BUSINESS                                                                              
SB 120                                                                                                                        
Representative Johnston, Co-chair of the Finance Committee, moved                                                               
and asked unanimous consent that the five-day notice requirement in                                                             
Uniform Rule 23(a) be waived so the Finance Committee can hear the                                                              
following on March 19:                                                                                                          
     CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 120(HSS)                                                                                            
     "An Act relating to administration of psychotropic medication to a                                                         
     patient without the patient's informed consent; and providing for                                                          
     an effective date."                                                                                                        
SB 137                                                                                                                        
Representative Johnston, Co-chair of the Finance Committee, moved                                                               
and asked unanimous consent that the five-day notice requirement in                                                             
Uniform Rule 23(a) be waived so the Finance Committee can hear the                                                              
following on March 19: