Legislature(2017 - 2018)

2018-04-15 Senate Journal

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2018-04-15                     Senate Journal                      Page 2722
                          Standing Committee Reports                                                                         
HB 142                                                                                                                        
The Labor and Commerce Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE                                                                        
BILL NO. 142(FIN) "An Act relating to unemployment insurance                                                                    
benefits; increasing the maximum weekly unemployment insurance                                                                  
benefit rate; and providing for an effective date" and recommended it                                                           
be replaced with                                                                                                                
          SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                                                                       
          NO. 142(L&C) "An Act relating to unemployment                                                                         
          insurance benefits; and providing for an effective                                                                    
          date." (Forthcoming Title Change SCR)                                                                                 
Signing no recommendation: Senator Costello, Chair; Senators                                                                    
Stevens, Micciche. Signing do pass: Senator Meyer. Signing amend:                                                               
Senator Gardner.                                                                                                                
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
 Fiscal Note No. 4, indeterminate, Office of the Governor                                                                       
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                                                  
          Fiscal Note No. 2, zero, Department of Labor and Workforce                                                           
The bill was referred to the Finance Committee.                                                                                 
HB 170                                                                                                                        
The Labor and Commerce Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE                                                                        
BILL NO. 170(JUD) "An Act relating to securities, registration,                                                                 
exempt securities, exempt transactions, broker-dealers, agents,                                                                 
investment advice, investment advisers, investment adviser                                                                      
representatives, federal covered securities, federal covered investment                                                         
advisers, viatical settlement interests, small intrastate security                                                              
offerings, Canadian broker-dealers, and Canadian agents; relating to                                                            
protecting older and vulnerable adults from financial exploitation;                                                             
relating to administrative, civil, and criminal enforcement provisions,                                                         
including restitution and civil penalties for violations; relating to an                                                        
investor training fund; establishing increased civil penalties for                                                              
harming older persons and vulnerable adults; relating to corporations