Legislature(2017 - 2018)
2017-05-13 House Journal
Full Journal pdf2017-05-13 House Journal Page 1383 SB 100 The following was read the second time: SENATE BILL NO. 100 "An Act relating to municipal liens." 2017-05-13 House Journal Page 1384 with the: Journal Page JUD RPT 4DP 2NR 1172 FN1: ZERO(CED) 1172 RLS RPT HCS(RLS) NT 2DP 4NR 1380 FN1: ZERO(CED) 1381 Representative Tuck moved and asked unanimous consent that the following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill: HOUSE CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 100(RLS) "An Act relating to municipal liens; relating to service areas in second class boroughs; relating to a municipal tax exemption or deferral for economic development property; relating to a municipal tax exemption for a fire protection system; and providing for an effective date." (HCR 11 - title change resolution) There being no objection, it was so ordered. Representative Tuck moved and asked unanimous consent that HCS SB 100(RLS) be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading, and placed on final passage. There was objection. HCS SB 100(RLS) will advance to third reading on the May 15 calendar.