Legislature(2017 - 2018)
2017-03-24 House Journal
Full Journal pdf2017-03-24 House Journal Page 0720 HJR 14 The Labor & Commerce Committee considered: HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 14 Urging the Federal Communications Commission to increase the Rural Health Care Program budget sufficiently to adjust for inflation, advances in technology and the services available with increased broadband, and the increase in demand for broadband- based services and provide for any unused funds to be carried forward to future funding years, ensuring that rural communities in the state continue to have access to affordable broadband telehealth services. The report was signed by Representative Kito, Chair, with the following individual recommendations: Do pass (7): Sullivan-Leonard, Stutes, Wool, Josephson, Birch, Knopp, Kito The following fiscal note(s) apply: 1. Zero, House Labor & Commerce Committee HJR 14 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the calendar.