Legislature(2017 - 2018)
2017-05-17 House Journal
Full Journal pdf2017-05-17 House Journal Page 1480 HJR 9 The following, which was held from the May 16 calendar (page 1461), was read the second time: 2017-05-17 House Journal Page 1481 HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 9 Urging the United States government to continue to work with the government of Canada to investigate the long-term, region-wide downstream effects of proposed and existing industrial development and to develop measures to ensure that state resources are not harmed by upstream development in British Columbia. with the: Journal Page FSH RPT CS(FSH) 3DP 2NR 2AM 889 FN1: ZERO(LEG) 889 RES RPT CS(FSH) 4DP 2NR 1093 FN1: ZERO(LEG) 1094 Representative Tuck moved and asked unanimous consent that the following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original resolution: CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 9(FSH) (same title) There being no objection, it was so ordered. Amendment No. 1 was offered by Representative Westlake: Page 1, line 4, following "Columbia" (title amendment): Insert "; and urging the United States government to continue to work with the government of Canada to support the complementary efforts of the state and British Columbia to collaborate on proposed and existing industrial upstream development in British Columbia" Page 2, following line 17: Insert new clauses to read: "WHEREAS,on November 25, 2015, Governor Bill Walker and British Columbia Premier Christy Clark signed a nonbinding Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation recognizing and formalizing "the mutual commitment of Alaska and British Columbia to sustaining our environment for the benefit of all, including our 2017-05-17 House Journal Page 1482 valuable transboundary rivers, watersheds, and fisheries"; and WHEREAS, in the nonbinding and unfunded Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation, the state and British Columbia agreed "to establish and oversee a joint process to develop and implement a joint water quality monitoring program for transboundary waters, ensuring that data are publicly available"; and WHEREAS, on October 6, 2016, Lieutenant Governor Byron Mallott, Bill Bennett, British Columbia Minster of Energy and Mines, and Mary Polak, British Columbia Minister of Environment, signed a Statement of Cooperation on Protection of Transboundary Waters, in which a bilateral working group, consisting of the commissioners of environmental conservation, fish and game, and natural resources and British Columbia's deputy ministers of energy and mines and environment, was established to develop a technical working group on monitoring for transboundary waters and ensuring that data is publicly available; and WHEREAS, in the October 6, 2016, Statement of Cooperation on Protection of Transboundary Waters, an unfunded technical working group on monitoring, consisting of water quality experts from resource regulatory agencies in the state and British Columbia, was established to develop procedures for reporting between the two jurisdictions; and" Page 2, line 18, following "the": Insert "signing of the" Page 2, lines 18 - 20: Delete ", signed by Alaska Lieutenant Governor Byron Mallott, Bill Bennett, British Columbia Minister of Energy and Mines, and Mary Polak, British Columbia Minister of Environment," Page 3, line 5, following "Columbia": Insert "; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature strongly urges the United States government to continue to work with the government of Canada to support the complementary efforts of the state and British Columbia to collaborate on proposed and existing industrial upstream development in British Columbia" 2017-05-17 House Journal Page 1483 Representative Westlake moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 1 be adopted. Objection was heard and withdrawn. There being no further objection, Amendment No. 1 was adopted, and the new title follows: CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 9(FSH) am Urging the United States government to continue to work with the government of Canada to investigate the long-term, region-wide downstream effects of proposed and existing industrial development and to develop measures to ensure that state resources are not harmed by upstream development in British Columbia; and urging the United States government to continue to work with the government of Canada to support the complimentary efforts of the state and British Columbia to collaborate on proposed and existing industrial upstream development in British Columbia. Representative Tuck moved and asked unanimous consent that CSHJR 9(FSH) am be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading, and placed on final passage. There was objection. CSHJR 9(FSH) am will advance to third reading on the January 16, 2018, calendar.