Legislature(2017 - 2018)
2018-06-27 House Journal
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Full Journal pdf2018-06-27 House Journal Page 3825 HB 212 SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION;REAA/SMALL MUNI FUND 2. Fiscal, Dept. of Education & Early Development (published 5/8) HB 213 PUB. SCHOOL TRUST FUND;EDUCATION RAFFLE 5. Fiscal, Senate Finance Committee/Dept. of Education & Early Development (published 4/23) HB 214 TEEN DATING VIOL:PROGRAMS;AWARENESS MONTH 2. Fiscal, Dept. of Education & Early Development (published 5/11) HB 216 CRIMES;RESTITUTION;DIVIDEND FUND 7. Fiscal, Dept. of Revenue (published 1/31) 9. Fiscal, Dept. of Administration (published 4/11) 16. Fiscal, CC: HB 286/Dept. of Corrections (published 6/6) 17. Fiscal, CC: HB 286/Legislative Agency (published 6/6) 18. Fiscal, CC: HB 286/Fund Capitalization (published 6/6) HB 217 LOCAL FOOD PROCUREMENT; FARM TOURS; FEES 3. Fiscal, Dept. of Natural Resources (published 2/19) HB 219 CRIM HIST CHECK: ST EMPLOYEES/CONTRACTORS 13. Fiscal, Dept. of Revenue (published 5/2) 14. Fiscal, Dept. of Revenue (published 5/2) HB 236 EXTEND: SENIOR BENEFITS PAYMENT PROGRAM 3. Fiscal, Senate Finance Committee/Dept. of Health & Social Services (published 4/13) HB 267 RELEASE HUNTING/FISHING RECORDS TO MUNI 2. Fiscal, Dept. of Commerce, Community, & Economic Development (published 2/14) 5. Fiscal, Dept. of Fish & Game (published 4/24)