Legislature(2015 - 2016)
2016-02-26 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf2016-02-26 Senate Journal Page 1964 SB 89 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 89(RLS) "An Act relating to a parent's right to direct the education of a child; prohibiting a school district from contracting with an abortion services provider; prohibiting a school district from allowing an abortion services provider to furnish course materials or provide instruction concerning sexuality or sexually transmitted diseases; and relating to physical examinations for teachers" was read the third time. 2016-02-26 Senate Journal Page 1965 Senator Gardner moved that the bill be returned to second reading for all amendments offered today. Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading. Amendment No. 1 was not offered. Senator Gardner offered Amendment No. 2 : Page 2, line 21, following "AS 14.30.020": Insert "if the child's parent withdrew the child from the activity, class, program, or standards-based assessment or test or gave permission for the child's absence" Senator Gardner moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 2. Senator Stoltze objected, then withdrew his objection. There being no further objection, Amendment No. 2 was adopted. Senator Gardner offered Amendment No. 3 : Page 2, lines 3 - 8: Delete "because of concern regarding (A) content involving human reproduction or sexual matters; (B) inquiries into personal or private family affairs of the student or family that are not a matter of public record or subject to public observation" Senator Gardner moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 3. Without objection, Amendment No. 3 was adopted. Senator Gardner offered Amendment No. 4 : Page 2, lines 9 - 10: Delete ", but not more than six weeks," Senator Gardner moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 4. Without objection, Amendment No. 4 was adopted. 2016-02-26 Senate Journal Page 1966 Senator Gardner offered Amendment No. 5 : Page 2, following line 29: Insert a new subsection to read: "(c) Nothing in this section prohibits a school employee or volunteer from answering a question from a child about any topic." Reletter the following subsection accordingly. Senator Gardner moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 5. Without objection, Amendment No. 5 was adopted. Senator Gardner offered Amendment No. 6 : Page 1, line 4: Delete "and" Page 1, line 5, following "teachers": Insert "; and providing for an effective date" Page 3, following line 4: Insert a new bill section to read: "* Sec. 2. AS 14.03.016(c), enacted by sec. 1 of this Act, is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: (5) "human reproduction or sexual matters" does not include curricula or materials for (A) sexual abuse and sexual assault awareness and prevention training required under AS 14.30.355; or (B) dating violence and abuse awareness and prevention training required under AS 14.30.356." Renumber the following bill sections accordingly. Page 3, following line 19: Insert a new bill section to read: "* Sec. 6. Section 2 of this Act takes effect June 30, 2017." Senator Gardner moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 6. Without objection, Amendment No. 6 was adopted. 2016-02-26 Senate Journal Page 1967 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 89(RLS) am(edf add) was automatically in third reading. The question being: "Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 89(RLS) am(edf add) "An Act relating to a parent's right to direct the education of a child; prohibiting a school district from contracting with an abortion services provider; prohibiting a school district from allowing an abortion services provider to furnish course materials or provide instruction concerning sexuality or sexually transmitted diseases; relating to physical examinations for teachers; and providing for an effective date" pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 89(RLS) am(efd add) Third Reading - Final Passage YEAS: 11 NAYS: 7 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 1 Yeas: Coghill, Costello, Dunleavy, Giessel, Huggins, Kelly, MacKinnon, Meyer, Micciche, Olson, Stoltze Nays: Bishop, Egan, Ellis, Gardner, Hoffman, Stedman, Stevens Excused: Wielechowski Absent: McGuire and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 89(RLS) am(edf add) passed the Senate. Senator Coghill moved for the adoption of the effective date clause. The question being: "Shall the effective date clause be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 89(RLS) am(efd add) Effective Date Clause YEAS: 18 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 1 ABSENT: 1 2016-02-26 Senate Journal Page 1968 Yeas: Bishop, Coghill, Costello, Dunleavy, Egan, Ellis, Gardner, Giessel, Hoffman, Huggins, Kelly, MacKinnon, Meyer, Micciche, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Stoltze Excused: Wielechowski Absent: McGuire and so, the effective date clause was adopted. Senator Olson gave notice of reconsideration.