Legislature(2013 - 2014)
2014-04-02 House Journal
Full Journal pdf2014-04-02 House Journal Page 2148 HB 302 The following was read the second time: HOUSE BILL NO. 302 "An Act relating to the practice of public accounting; and relating to rules of professional conduct for the profession of public accounting." with the: Journal Page L&C RPT CS(L&C) NT 3DP 3NR 2100 FN1: ZERO(CED) 2101 Representative Pruitt moved and asked unanimous consent that the following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 302(L&C) "An Act relating to rules of professional conduct for the profession of public accounting." 2014-04-02 House Journal Page 2149 There being no objection, it was so ordered. Representative Pruitt moved and asked unanimous consent that CSHB 302(L&C) be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading, and placed on final passage. There being no objection, it was so ordered. CSHB 302(L&C) was read the third time. Representative Thompson moved and asked unanimous consent that he be allowed to abstain from voting because of a conflict of interest. Objection was heard, and Representative Thompson was required to vote. The question being: "Shall CSHB 302(L&C) pass the House?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 302(L&C) Third Reading Final Passage YEAS: 38 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 2 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Chenault, Costello, Drummond, Edgmon, Feige, Foster, Gara, Gattis, Gruenberg, Guttenberg, Hawker, Herron, Higgins, Holmes, Hughes, Isaacson, Josephson, Kawasaki, Keller, Kito III, Kreiss-Tomkins, LeDoux, Lynn, Millett, Munoz, Nageak, Neuman, Olson, Pruitt, Reinbold, Saddler, Seaton, Stoltze, Tarr, Thompson, Tuck, P.Wilson, T.Wilson Excused: Austerman, Johnson And so, CSHB 302(L&C) passed the House and was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment.