Legislature(2013 - 2014)

2013-03-22 House Journal

Full Journal pdf

2013-03-22                     House Journal                      Page 0612
HB 133                                                                                                                        
The Assistant Chief Clerk corrected the journal for the 65 legislative                                                          
day, page 588, under Reports of Standing Committees.  The fiscal note                                                           
which accompanied the Education Committee report for HB 133-                                                                    
SCHOOL CONST. GRANTS/SMALL MUNICIPALITIES should                                                                                
1.  Fiscal, Dept. of Education & Early Development                                                                              
The fiscal note was published March 20, 2013.  HB 133 is in the                                                                 
Finance Committee.                                                                                                              
Representative Pruitt moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                                                
journal for the 65 legislative day as corrected and the 66 legislative                                                          
day be approved as certified by the Assistant Chief Clerk.  There being                                                         
no objection, it was so ordered.