Legislature(2009 - 2010)

2009-08-05 Senate Journal

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2009-08-05                     Senate Journal                      Page 1132
SB 114                                                                                                                        
Message was received stating the Governor signed the following bill                                                             
on May 25 and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled copies to the                                                              
Lieutenant Governor's Office for permanent filing:                                                                              
         CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 114(L&C) "An Act                                                                                
         extending the termination date of the State Board of                                                                   
         Registration for Architects, Engineers, and Land                                                                       
         Surveyors; extending the term of a temporary                                                                           
         member of the State Board of Registration for                                                                          
         Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors; and                                                                         
         providing for an effective date."                                                                                      
                           Chapter 23, SLA 2009                                                                                
                        Effective Date: See Chapter                                                                            
SB 133                                                                                                                        
Message was received stating the Governor signed the following bill                                                             
on May 25 and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled copies to the                                                              
Lieutenant Governor's Office for permanent filing:                                                                              
         HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO.                                                                                    
         133(FIN) "An Act creating a statewide electronic                                                                       
         health information exchange system; and providing                                                                      
         for an effective date."                                                                                                
                           Chapter 24, SLA 2009                                                                                
                          Effective Date: 7/1/09                                                                               
SB 48                                                                                                                         
Message was received stating the Governor signed the following bill                                                             
on May 25 and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled copies to the                                                              
Lieutenant Governor's Office for permanent filing:                                                                              
         CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 48(JUD) "An Act                                                                                 
         exempting municipal service area boards from the                                                                       
         requirements of conducting meetings open to the                                                                        
       public     when   a   meeting     is     administrative   or