Legislature(2009 - 2010)
2010-04-17 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf2010-04-17 Senate Journal Page 2429 SB 301 Senator Ellis moved and asked unanimous consent that the concur message on HOUSE CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 301(RLS) "An Act relating to the power project fund; authorizing the Alaska Energy Authority to charge and collect fees relating to the power project fund; authorizing the Alaska Energy Authority to sell and authorizing the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority to purchase loans of the power project fund; providing legislative approval for the sale and purchase of loans of the power project fund under the memorandum of understanding dated February 17, 2010; providing legislative approval for a loan from the power project fund for the Reynolds Creek hydroelectric project; and providing for an effective date" (Title Change HCR 30), which had been held on the Secretary's desk (page 2387), be brought up at this time. Without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Ellis moved that the Senate concur in the House amendment. The question being: "Shall the Senate concur in the House amendment?" The roll was taken with the following result: HCS SB 301(RLS) Shall the Senate Concur in the House Amendment to SB 301? Effective Date YEAS: 19 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 1 Yeas: Bunde, Coghill, Davis, Dyson, Egan, Ellis, French, Hoffman, Huggins, Kookesh, McGuire, Menard, Meyer, Olson, Paskvan, Stevens, Thomas, Wagoner, Wielechowski Absent: Stedman and so, the Senate concurred in the House amendment, thus adopting HOUSE CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 301(RLS) "An Act relating to the power project fund; authorizing the Alaska Energy Authority to charge and collect fees relating to the power project fund; authorizing the Alaska Energy Authority to sell and authorizing the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority to purchase loans of the power project fund; providing legislative approval for the sale and 2010-04-17 Senate Journal Page 2430 purchase of loans of the power project fund under the memorandum of understanding dated February 17, 2010; providing legislative approval for a loan from the power project fund for the Reynolds Creek hydroelectric project; and providing for an effective date." Senator Ellis moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote on concurrence be considered the vote on the effective date clause. Without objection, it was so ordered. The Secretary was requested to notify the House. The bill was referred to the Secretary for enrollment.