Legislature(2009 - 2010)

2010-04-18 House Journal

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2010-04-18                     House Journal                      Page 2505
     reports, and the identification of certain communications in state                                                         
     election campaigns; prohibiting expenditures and contributions by                                                          
     foreign nationals in state elections; and providing for an effective                                                       
                      THIRD READING OF SENATE BILLS                                                                          
SB 230                                                                                                                        
The following, which was moved to the bottom of the calendar (page                                                              
2501), was read the third time:                                                                                                 
     HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 230(FIN)                                                                               
     "An Act making and amending appropriations, including capital                                                              
     appropriations, supplemental appropriations, and other                                                                     
     appropriations; making appropriations to capitalize funds; and                                                             
     providing for an effective date."                                                                                          
Representative Stoltze moved and asked unanimous consent that HCS                                                               
CSSB 230(FIN) be returned to second reading for the specific purpose                                                            
of considering Amendment No. 1.  There being no objection, it was so                                                            
The Speaker stated that, without objection, HCS CSSB 230(FIN)                                                                   
would be returned to second reading for all amendments.                                                                         
Amendment No. 1 was offered  by Representative Stoltze:                                                                          
Page 53, lines 25 - 26:                                                                                                         
     Under Appropriation Items:                                                                                                 
         Delete "180,000"                                                                                                       
         Insert "1,800,000"                                                                                                     
     Under General Funds:                                                                                                       
         Delete "180,000"                                                                                                       
         Insert "1,800,000"