Legislature(2009 - 2010)

2010-04-11 House Journal

Full Journal pdf

2010-04-11                     House Journal                      Page 2162
HJR 35                                                                                                                        
The Finance Committee considered:                                                                                               
    HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 35                                                                                               
    Proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Alaska                                                             
    prohibiting passage of laws that interfere with direct payments for                                                         
    health care services and the right to purchase health care insurance                                                        
    from a privately owned company, and that compel a person to                                                                 
    participate in a health care system.                                                                                        
The report was signed by Representatives Stoltze and Hawker, Co-                                                                
chairs, with the following individual recommendations:                                                                          
Do pass (3):  Thomas, Kelly, Stoltze                                                                                            
Do not pass (2):  Doogan, N. Foster                                                                                             

2010-04-11                     House Journal                      Page 2163
No recommendation (3):  Joule, Austerman, Hawker                                                                                
Amend (2):  Gara, Fairclough                                                                                                    
The following fiscal note(s) apply:                                                                                             
1.  Fiscal, Office of the Governor                                                                                              
HJR 35 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the                                                                 