Legislature(2009 - 2010)

2009-02-25 House Journal

Full Journal pdf

2009-02-25                     House Journal                      Page 0317
HB 92                                                                                                                         
The State Affairs Committee considered:                                                                                         
    HOUSE BILL NO. 92                                                                                                           
    "An Act relating to certain investments of the Alaska permanent                                                             
    fund, the state's retirement systems, the State of Alaska                                                                   
    Supplemental Annuity Plan, and the deferred compensation                                                                    
    program for state employees in companies that do business in                                                                
    Sudan, and restricting those investments; and providing for an                                                              
    effective date."                                                                                                            
and recommends it be replaced with:                                                                                             
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 92(STA)                                                                                               
    (same title)                                                                                                                
The report was signed by Representative Lynn, Chair, with the                                                                   
following individual recommendations:                                                                                           
Do pass (5):  Seaton, Gruenberg, Wilson, Petersen, Lynn                                                                         
Amend (2):  Johnson, Gatto                                                                                                      

2009-02-25                     House Journal                      Page 0318
The following fiscal note(s) apply to CSHB 92(STA):                                                                             
1.  Zero, Dept. of Revenue                                                                                                      
2.  Zero, Dept. of Revenue                                                                                                      
HB 92 was referred to the Finance Committee.