Legislature(2009 - 2010)
2010-02-10 House Journal
Full Journal pdf2010-02-10 House Journal Page 1452 HB 337 HOUSE BILL NO. 337 by the House Rules Committee by request of the Governor, entitled: "An Act relating to interest on certain underpayments or overpayments for the oil and gas production tax, to certificates for certain oil and gas production tax credits for qualified capital expenditures, and to alternative tax credits for expenditures for certain oil and gas development and exploration activities for the oil and gas production tax; relating to the use of the oil and gas tax 2010-02-10 House Journal Page 1453 credit fund to purchase certain tax credit certificates; and providing for an effective date." was read the first time and referred to the Resources and Finance Committees. The following fiscal note(s) apply: 1. Zero, Dept. of Administration 2. Zero, Dept. of Natural Resources 3. Fiscal, Dept. of Revenue The Governor's transmittal letter dated February 9, 2010, follows: "Dear Speaker Chenault: Under the authority of Art. III, Sec. 18 of the Alaska Constitution, I am transmitting a bill that proposes four discrete changes to Alaska's oil and gas production tax. The bill will provide incentives for explorers and producers to continue to invest in Alaska. The proposed changes will encourage investment and employment within the state, and ultimately, increase production of the state's oil and gas resources. I remain committed to considering all proposals and ideas that will result in increased exploration and drilling that produce more oil and jobs for Alaskans. First, the bill will encourage investment by creating a new 30 percent alternative tax credit for qualified costs closely related to well drilling and work over operations designed to enhance current well operations. The taxpayer will have to claim the 30 percent credit within six months of completing the qualifying activity, and will have to submit enough information for the Department of Revenue to determine that the expenditures qualify for the credit. Second, the bill will allow qualified applicants, regardless of their future spending levels, to receive cash refunds for tax credits that the applicants received for qualified capital expenditures. Under current law, an applicant cannot qualify for a cash refund unless, within 24 months of receiving the tax credit certificate, the applicant incurred a 2010-02-10 House Journal Page 1454 qualified capital expenditure or successfully bid on a lease on State land. If the applicant is unable to meet either requirement, the applicant cannot receive payment for the qualified capital expenditures the applicant invested in the state. To solve this problem, the bill will eliminate the requirement that the applicant make additional capital expenditures or be the successful bidder for a lease on State land. Third, the bill will allow producers and explorers who qualify for the 20 percent tax credit under AS 43.55.023 for capital expenditures to use the credit in the year that the credit is earned. Currently, producers and explorers are required to spread the benefit over two years. Allowing producers and explorers the full value of their credits in one year would increase the amount available for further exploration activities and for work on currently producing wells. Finally, the bill will allow the Department of Revenue to waive interest for certain underpayments of taxes due before the effective date of certain regulations implementing the production tax. This provision will apply only if regulations to implement the production tax are not yet in effect at the time the annual tax payments are due, and only if the underpayment results from the producer's good faith estimation of the tax due. Should it be determined that the taxpayer overpaid the amount of tax due under the regulations in effect at the time of payment and that a refund is due, no interest will be due on a refund made within the time period specified in the bill. With these changes, we will continue to responsibly maximize and invest in Alaska's oil and gas resources. I urge your prompt and favorable action on this measure. Sincerely, /s/ Sean Parnell Governor"