Legislature(2009 - 2010)
2010-04-09 House Journal
Full Journal pdf2010-04-09 House Journal Page 2108 HB 363 The Rules Committee considered: HOUSE BILL NO. 363 "An Act relating to the membership of the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority." and recommends it be replaced with: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 363(FIN) (same title) The report was signed by Representative Dahlstrom, Chair, with the following individual recommendations: Do pass (4): Herron, Neuman, Olson, Dahlstrom No recommendation (2): Kerttula, Gardner The following fiscal note(s) apply to CSHB 363(FIN): 2. Fiscal, Dept. of Commerce, Community, & Economic Development HB 363 was returned to the Rules Committee for placement on the calendar.