Legislature(2009 - 2010)

2009-01-28 House Journal

Full Journal pdf

2009-01-28                     House Journal                      Page 0100
HB 92                                                                                                                         
HOUSE BILL NO. 92 by the House Rules Committee by request of                                                                    
the Governor, entitled:                                                                                                         
     "An Act relating to certain investments of the Alaska permanent                                                            
     fund, the state's retirement systems, the State of Alaska                                                                  
     Supplemental Annuity Plan, and the deferred compensation                                                                   
     program for state employees in companies that do business in                                                               
     Sudan, and restricting those investments; and providing for an                                                             
     effective date."                                                                                                           
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs and Finance                                                           
The following fiscal note(s) apply:                                                                                             
1.  Zero, Dept. of Revenue                                                                                                      
2.  Zero, Dept. of Revenue                                                                                                      
The Governor's transmittal letter dated January 23, 2009, follows:                                                              
"Dear Speaker Chenault:                                                                                                         
Under the authority of Article III, Section 18, of the Alaska                                                                   
Constitution, I am transmitting a bill relating to certain investments of                                                       
the Alaska permanent fund, the state's retirement systems, the State of                                                         
Alaska Supplemental Annuity Plan, and the deferred compensation                                                                 
program for state employees in companies that do business in Sudan,                                                             
and restricting those investments.  This bill requires the fiduciaries of                                                       
state investment funds to divest of investments in publicly traded                                                              
companies that conduct business operations or have direct investments                                                           
in business operations in Sudan, as defined by the federal Sudan                                                                
Divestment and Accountability Act of 2007, P.L. 110-174.                                                                        
On September 21, 2004, addressing the United Nations General                                                                    
Assembly, President George W. Bush stated, "[A]t this hour, the world                                                           
is witnessing terrible suffering and horrible crimes in the Darfur region                                                       
of Sudan, crimes my government has concluded are genocide." On                                                                  
September 25, 2006, Congress reaffirmed that "the genocide unfolding                                                            
in the Darfur region of Sudan is characterized by acts of terrorism and                                                         

2009-01-28                     House Journal                      Page 0101
atrocities directed against civilians, including mass murder, rape, and                                                         
sexual violence committed by the Janjaweed and associated militias                                                              
with the complicity and support of the National Congress Party-led                                                              
faction of the Government of Sudan." The federal government has                                                                 
imposed sanctions against the Government of Sudan since 1997.                                                                   
These sanctions are monitored through the U.S. Treasury Department's                                                            
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).                                                                                        
The investment of funds in business firms and financial institutions                                                            
with ties to the repressive regime in Sudan is inconsistent with the                                                            
moral and political values of the people of Alaska.  It is a fundamental                                                        
responsibility of the state of Alaska to decide where, how, and by                                                              
whom financial resources in its control should be invested, taking into                                                         
account numerous pertinent factors. The people of Alaska condemn                                                                
the human rights abuses, enslavement and genocide in Sudan and                                                                  
declare these atrocities to be contrary to the fundamental principles of                                                        
human rights and standards of justice and individual freedoms.                                                                  
The bill will require the commissioner of the Department of Revenue,                                                            
the Alaska Retirement Management Board of Trustees, and the Alaska                                                              
Permanent Fund Board of Trustees to divest of investments in publicly                                                           
traded companies that conduct business operations or have direct                                                                
investments in business operations in Sudan.  These provisions are                                                              
drafted to comply with the federal Sudan Divestment and                                                                         
Accountability Act of 2007, P.L. 110-174, which includes notice of                                                              
the enactment of this measure to the United States Attorney General.                                                            
The bill also provides for immunity and indemnification for the state's                                                         
investment fund fiduciaries in connection with the implementation of a                                                          
Sudan divestment policy.  There is authority for the notion that                                                                
divestment policies are not consistent with the prudent investor                                                                
standard (see, e.g., 1998 Inf. Op. Att'y Gen. at 198 (663-98-0297; Aug.                                                         
12); Alaska State Senate, Rural Research Agency, Alaska's Permanent                                                             
Fund: Legislative History, Intent and Operations at 39-40 (Jan.                                                                 
1986)).  Accordingly, these provisions are important to protect the                                                             
fiduciaries of the state's investment funds from any challenge or                                                               
liability that may result from implementation of this bill.                                                                     

2009-01-28                     House Journal                      Page 0102
Further, the bill provides for sunset of the divestment provisions of                                                           
this bill upon the earlier of three occurrences: 1.) if the sunset                                                              
provisions in sec. 12 of the Sudan Divestment and Accountability Act                                                            
of 2007 are satisfied, 2.) if Congress or the President declares that                                                           
Sudan divestment policies interfere with United States foreign policy;                                                          
or 3.) if the Sudan Divestment and Accountability Act of 2007 is                                                                
I urge your prompt and favorable action on this measure.                                                                        
                               Sarah Palin                                                                                     