Legislature(2005 - 2006)

2006-03-29 Senate Journal

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2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2605
                                SENATE JOURNAL                                                   
                           ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                              
                          TWENTY-FOURTH LEGISLATURE                                              
                                SECOND SESSION                                                   
Juneau, Alaska                   Wednesday                   March 29, 2006                       
                                Eightieth Day                                                    
Pursuant to adjournment the Senate was called to order by President                                 
Stevens at 11:11 a.m.                                                                               
The roll showed eighteen members present. Senators Stedman,                                         
Therriault were absent.                                                                             
The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, The Reverend Mark Boesser                                   
of the Episcopal Church. Senator Hoffman moved and asked                                            
unanimous consent that the prayer be spread. Without objection, it was                              
so ordered.                                                                                         
     There's a New Testament story about James and John, two                                        
     of Jesus' disciples, asking if they could sit one at his right                                 
     hand and one at his left when he came into his kingdom. The                                    
     record says the other disciples were angry at this, and some                                   
     wit has commented "probably because they did not think of                                      
     it first."                                                                                     
     Robert Raines, in a little book entitled "Creative Brooding"                                   
     uses this event as the launch for a personalized prayer which                                  
     calls me up short but helps me too. Whatever your faith, I                                     
     hope you will listen between the words and use only what                                       
     rings true for you:                                                                            
     "I am like James and John, Lord.                                                               
     I size up other people                                                                         
     in terms of what they can do for me;                                                           
     how they can further my program,                                                               
     feed my ego, satisfy my needs,                                                                 
     give me strategic advantage.                                                                   

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2606
     I exploit people,                                                                              
     ostensibly for Your sake,                                                                      
     but really for my own sake.                                                                    
     Lord, I turn to You to get the inside track and obtain special                                 
     Your direction for my schemes,                                                                 
     Your power for my projects,                                                                    
     Your sanction for my ambitions,                                                                
     Your blank check for whatever I want.                                                          
     I am like James and John.                                                                      
     Change me; Lord.                                                                               
     Make me a person who asks of You and of others,                                                
     What can I do for you?"                                                Amen.                   
Senator Green led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance.                                           
Senator Gary Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                     
journals for the seventy-eighth and seventy-ninth legislative days be                               
approved as certified by the Secretary. Without objection, it was so                                
The presence of Senators Stedman, Therriault was noted.                                             
                          Messages from the Governor                                             
SCR 25                                                                                            
Message dated March 28 was read, stating the Governor read the                                      
following resolution and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled copies                              
to the Lieutenant Governor's Office for permanent filing:                                           
          SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 25                                                       
          Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e),                                             
          Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature,                                            
          concerning House Bill No. 489, relating to the                                            

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2607
               treatment of charity events by the Alaska Public                                    
                Offices Commission and under the law governing                                     
          legislative ethics.                                                                       
                          Legislative Resolve No. 31                                               
                           Messages from the House                                               
HB 251                                                                                            
Message dated March 28 was read, stating the House concurred in the                                 
Senate amendment to CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 251(RES), thus                                            
          SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                                       
          251(RES) "An Act authorizing the Board of Fisheries                                       
          to adopt regulations regarding fishing by a person                                        
          who holds two entry permits for a salmon fishery."                                        
                               Concur Messages                                                   
SB 232                                                                                            
Message dated March 27 and received at 8:01 a.m., March 28 was                                      
read, stating the House passed and returned for consideration CS FOR                                
SENATE BILL NO. 232(FIN) "An Act making appropriations,                                             
supplemental appropriations, and capital appropriations; amending                                   
appropriations and funding sources; making appropriations to                                        
capitalize funds; and providing for an effective date" with the                                     
following amendments:                                                                               
                     HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO.                                           
          232(FIN) am H                                                                             
President Stevens stated the concur message will be held on the                                     
Secretary's desk.                                                                                   
The following reports are on file in the Office of the Secretary of the                             

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2608
2004 Annual Report of Alaska Comprehensive Health                                                   
Insurance Association                                                                               
from Jeffrey Davis, Chair, and Cecil Bykerk, Executive Director                                     
in accordance with AS 21.55.020                                                                     
Matrix of Ombudsman Investigations dated February 28, 2006                                          
from Linda Lord-Jenkins, Alaska Ombudsman                                                           
in accordance with AS 24.55.230                                                                     
available at: www.state.ak.us/ombud/o-files.htm                                                     
                          Standing Committee Reports                                             
Report dated March 28 was read, stating:                                                            
In accordance with AS 39.05.080, the Senate Labor and Commerce                                      
Committee reviewed the following and recommends these                                               
appointments be forwarded to a joint session for consideration:                                     
Board of Barbers and Hairdressers                                                                 
Cody Downs                                                                                          
Charlette Lushin                                                                                    
Alice B. Massie                                                                                     
Board of Certified Real Estate Appraisers                                                         
William A. Larick                                                                                   
Alaska Workers' Compensation Board                                                                
Robert S. Morigeau                                                                                  
Debra G. Norum                                                                                      
Jeffrey P. Pruss                                                                                    
H. Bardie Scarbrough                                                                                
Damian J. Thomas                                                                                    
Robert C. Weel                                                                                      
Labor Relations Agency                                                                            
Dennis S. Niedermeyer                                                                               

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2609
Board of Marine Pilots                                                                            
Les (Leslie) A. Cronk                                                                               
Personnel Board                                                                                   
Alfred L. Tamagni, Sr.                                                                              
This does not reflect intent by any of the members to vote for or                                   
against the individuals during any future sessions.                                                 
Signing the report: Senator Bunde, Chair, Senator Seekins, Vice Chair;                              
Senators Ellis, Davis.                                                                              
SB 289                                                                                            
The Finance Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 289 "An Act                                        
relating to the payment of insurer examination expenses, to the                                     
regulation of managed care insurance plans, to actuarial opinions and                               
supporting documentation for an insurer, to insurance firms, managing                               
general agents, and third-party administrators, to eligibility of surplus                           
lines insurers, to suitability of life and health insurance policies and                            
annuity contracts, to unfair discrimination under a health insurance                                
policy, to prompt payment of health care insurance claims, to required                              
notice by an insurer, to individual deferred annuities, to direct payment                           
to providers under a health insurance policy, to mental health benefits                             
under a health care insurance plan, to the definitions of 'title insurance                          
limited producer' and of other terms used in the title regulating the                               
practice of the business of insurance, and to small employer health                                 
insurance; repealing the Small Employer Health Reinsurance                                          
Association; making conforming amendments; and providing for an                                     
effective date" and recommended it be replaced with                                                 
     CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 289(FIN) "An Act relating to                                            
     the payment of insurer examination expenses, to the                                            
     regulation of managed care insurance plans, to actuarial                                       
     opinions and supporting documentation for an insurer, to                                       
     insurance firms, managing general agents, and third-party                                      
     administrators, to eligibility of surplus lines insurers, to                                   
     prompt payment of health care insurance claims, to                                             
     required notice by an insurer, to individual deferred                                          
     annuities, to mental health benefits under a health care                                       
     insurance plan, to the definitions of 'title insurance limited                                 

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2610
     producer' and of other terms used in the title regulating the                                  
     practice of the business of insurance, and to small employer                                   
     health insurance; repealing the Small Employer Health                                          
     Reinsurance Association; making conforming amendments;                                         
     and providing for an effective date."                                                          
Signing do pass: Senators Wilken, Green, Cochairs; Senators Bunde,                                  
Dyson, Stedman. Signing no recommendation: Senators Hoffman,                                        
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                      
 Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Commerce, Community                                         
       and Economic Development                                                                     
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                       
SB 300                                                                                            
The Labor and Commerce Committee considered SENATE BILL NO.                                         
300 "An Act relating to the handling of negative equity in motor                                    
vehicle transactions" and recommended it be replaced with                                           
          CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 300(L&C) "An Act                                                   
          relating to the handling of negative equity in motor                                      
          vehicle transactions; and relating to the contents of                                     
          retail installment contracts."                                                            
Signing do pass: Senator Bunde, Chair; Senators Davis, Ellis, Seekins.                              
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                      
 Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Commerce, Community                                         
       and Economic Development                                                                     
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                       
HB 343                                                                                            
The Judiciary Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                            
343(JUD) am "An Act creating the crimes of harassment in the first                                  
and second degree, amending the crime of stalking, and adding a                                     
definition of 'medical professional' to the assault and harassment                                  
statutes." Signing do pass: Senator Seekins, Chair; Senators French,                                
Guess, Therriault, Huggins.                                                                         

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2611
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                      
 Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Corrections                                                 
 Fiscal Note No. 2, zero, Department of Public Safety                                               
 Fiscal Note No. 3, zero, Department of Administration                                              
 Fiscal Note No. 4, zero, Department of Administration                                              
 Fiscal Note No. 5, zero, Alaska Court System                                                       
 Fiscal Note No. 6, zero, Department of Law                                                         
The bill was referred to the Finance Committee.                                                     
HJR 31                                                                                            
The Health, Education and Social Services Committee considered                                      
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 31 Relating to designating                                               
September 9, 2006, as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness                                    
Day, and recommended it be replaced with                                                            
                     SENATE CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION                                          
          NO. 31(HES)                                                                               
Signing do pass: Senator Dyson, Chair; Senators Elton, Olson,                                       
Wilken, Green.                                                                                      
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                      
 Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, House Health, Education and Social                                        
       Services Committee                                                                           
The resolution was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                 
HCR 5                                                                                             
The Health, Education and Social Services Committee considered                                      
HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 5 Relating to support                                               
of community water fluoridation, and recommended it be replaced                                     
                        SENATE CS FOR HOUSE CONCURRENT                                             
          RESOLUTION NO. 5(HES)                                                                     
Signing do pass: Senator Dyson, Chair; Senators Elton, Wilken.                                      
Signing no recommendation: Senators Green, Olson.                                                   

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2612
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                      
 Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Environmental                                               
     Fiscal Note No. 2, zero, Department of Environmental                                           
The resolution was referred to the Rules Committee.                                                 
                        Consideration of the Calendar                                            
Honoring - 20 Anniversary for the Z. J. Loussac Library                                             
Representative(s) Gardner                                                                           
Senator(s) Ellis, Ben Stevens, Bunde, Cowdery, Davis, Dyson, Elton,                                 
French, Green, Guess, Hoffman, Huggins, Kookesh, Olson, Seekins,                                    
Stedman, Gary Stevens, Therriault, Wagoner, Wilken                                                  
In Memoriam - Ann T. McNellis                                                                       
Senator(s) Gary Stevens, Ben Stevens, Bunde, Cowdery, Davis,                                        
Dyson, Ellis, Elton, Green, Guess, Hoffman, Huggins, Kookesh,                                       
Olson, Seekins, Stedman, Therriault, Wagoner, Wilken                                                
Representative(s) Seaton                                                                            
Senator Gary Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                     
citations be adopted. Without objection, the citations were adopted and                             
referred to the Secretary for transmittal.                                                          
Senator Gary Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                     
following citations be made a special order of business. Without                                    
objection, it was so ordered.                                                                       
                          Special Order of Business                                              
Honoring - Alaska Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and                                   
Reserve (ESGR)                                                                                      
Senator(s) Stedman, Ben Stevens, Bunde, Cowdery, Davis, Dyson,                                      
Ellis, Elton, Green, Guess, Hoffman, Huggins, Kookesh, Olson,                                       
Seekins, Gary Stevens, Therriault, Wagoner, Wilken                                                  

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2613
In Memoriam - Charles "Chuck" Dart                                                                  
Senator(s) Kookesh, Ben Stevens, Bunde, Cowdery, Davis, Dyson,                                      
Ellis, Elton, Green, Guess, Hoffman, Huggins, Olson, Seekins,                                       
Stedman, Gary Stevens, Therriault, Wagoner, Wilken                                                  
Representative(s) Salmon                                                                            
In Memoriam - Richard Victor Nelson                                                                 
Senator(s) Cowdery, Ben Stevens, Bunde, Davis, Dyson, Ellis, Elton,                                 
Green, Guess, Hoffman, Huggins, Kookesh, Olson, Seekins, Stedman,                                   
Gary Stevens, Therriault, Wagoner, Wilken                                                           
Senator Gary Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                     
citations be adopted. Without objection, the citations were adopted and                             
referred to the Secretary for transmittal.                                                          
                             Unfinished Business                                                 
Senator Wagoner moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused                                     
from a call of the Senate from afternoon plane time, March 30 to                                    
morning plane time, April 3. Without objection, Senator Wagoner was                                 
SB 305                                                                                            
Senator Wagoner, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent that                                      
Uniform Rule 23 be waived on SENATE BILL NO. 305 "An Act                                            
repealing the oil production tax and gas production tax and providing                               
for a production tax on the net value of oil and gas; relating to the                               
relationship of the production tax to other taxes; relating to the dates                            
tax payments and surcharges are due under AS 43.55; relating to                                     
interest on overpayments under AS 43.55; relating to the treatment of                               
oil and gas production tax in a producer's settlement with the royalty                              
owner; relating to flared gas, and to oil and gas used in the operation                             
of a lease or property, under AS 43.55; relating to the prevailing value                            
of oil or gas under AS 43.55; providing for tax credits against the tax                             
due under AS 43.55 for certain expenditures, losses, and surcharges;                                
relating to statements or other information required to be filed with or                            

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2614
furnished to the Department of Revenue, and relating to the penalty for                             
failure to file certain reports, under AS 43.55; relating to the powers of                          
the Department of Revenue, and to the disclosure of certain                                         
information required to be furnished to the Department of Revenue,                                  
under AS 43.55; relating to criminal penalties for violating conditions                             
governing access to and use of confidential information relating to the                             
oil and gas production tax; relating to the deposit of money collected                              
by the Department of Revenue under AS 43.55; relating to the                                        
calculation of the gross value at the point of production of oil or gas;                            
relating to the determination of the net value of taxable oil and gas for                           
purposes of a production tax on the net value of oil and gas; relating to                           
the definitions of 'gas,' 'oil,' and certain other terms for purposes of AS                         
43.55; making conforming amendments; and providing for an                                           
effective date" for a Resources Committee meeting at 3:00 p.m. today.                               
Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                               
Announcements are at the end of the journal.                                                        
SCR 25                                                                                            
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 25 Suspending Rules                                                
24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State                                      
Legislature, concerning House Bill No. 489, relating to the treatment                               
of charity events by the Alaska Public Offices Commission and under                                 
the law governing legislative ethics, was enrolled, signed by the                                   
President and Secretary, Speaker and Chief Clerk and the engrossed                                  
and enrolled copies transmitted to the Office of the Governor at                                    
11:50 a.m., March 28, 2006.                                                                         
Senator Gary Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                     
Senate stand in adjournment until 11:00 a.m., March 30, 2006.                                       
Without objection, the Senate adjourned at 11:32 a.m.                                               
                                                                Kirsten Waid                        
                                                     Secretary of the Senate                        
                                                                 March 2006                         

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2615
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice - Persons with disabilities who require                      
special accommodation or alternative communication formats to access                                
committee meetings may contact the appropriate committee office or the                              
Legislative Information Office in their community. Reasonable advance                               
notice is needed to accommodate the request. For further information, call the                      
ADA Coordinator at 465-3854 Voice/465-4980 TDD.                                                     
                             STANDING COMMITTEES                                                 
+ indicates teleconference                                                                          
= indicates bill previously heard/scheduled                                                         
                         COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS                                            
Mar 29        Wednesday                             Beltz 211         1:30 PM                     
+= SB 248 ADMINISTRATIVE BOROUGHS/BOROUGH GRANTS/                                                   
Mar 31        Friday                                Beltz 211         1:30 PM                     
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                  
Mar 29        Wednesday                 Senate Finance 532            9:00 AM                     
+= SB 305 OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION TAX                                                                
              <Pending Referral>                                                                    
+= SB 289 INSURANCE                                                                                 
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                      
Mar 30        Thursday                  Senate Finance 532            9:00 AM                     
              -- Meeting Canceled --                                                                
+= SB 305 OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION TAX                                                                
              <Pending Referral>                                                                    
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                      
Mar 31        Friday                    Senate Finance 532            9:00 AM                     
+= SB 305 OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION TAX                                                                
              <Pending Referral>                                                                    
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                      

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2616
                             FINANCE (continued)                                                 
Apr 01        Saturday                  Senate Finance 532          10:00 AM                      
+= SB 305 OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION TAX                                                                
              <Pending Referral>                                                                    
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                      
                     HEALTH, EDUCATION & SOCIAL SERVICES                                         
Mar 29        Wednesday                       Butrovich 205           2:00 PM                     
              -- Time Change --                                                                     
+             Overview Update: Avian Flu                                                            
              Department of Environmental Conservation                                              
              Department of Fish and Game                                                           
              Department of Health and Social Services                                              
+             Overview: Personal Care Attendant Program                                             
              Department of Health & Social Services                                                
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                      
Mar 31        Friday                          Butrovich 205           1:30 PM                     
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                      
Mar 29        Wednesday                       Butrovich 205           8:30 AM                     
+ HB 343 HARASSMENT/ASSAULT/STALKING                                                                
+= HB 272 CARD ROOMS & OPERATIONS                                                                   
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                      
Mar 30        Thursday                        Butrovich 205           8:30 AM                     
+= HB 318 LIMITATION ON EMINENT DOMAIN                                                              
+= HB 408 DEFINITION OF CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT                                                     
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                      
Mar 31        Friday                          Butrovich 205           8:30 AM                     
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                  

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2617
                               LABOR & COMMERCE                                                  
Mar 30        Thursday                              Beltz 211         1:30 PM                     
+             Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                      
              Including But Not Limited to:                                                         
+= SB 241 JOINT INSURANCE ARRANGEMENTS                                                              
+= SB 307 LANDLORD REMEDIES; LATE FEE                                                               
+= SB 309 CONSTR. TRAINING GRANT;UNEMPLOYMENT COMP.                                                 
              <Above Bill Hearing Postponed>                                                        
+= SB 272 MORTGAGE LENDING                                                                          
Mar 29        Wednesday                       Butrovich 205           3:00 PM                     
              Uniform Rule 23 Waived                                                                
              -- Time Change --                                                                     
              -- Continued from 03/27/06 --                                                         
+= SB 305 OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION TAX                                                                
Mar 31        Friday                          Butrovich 205           3:30 PM                     
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                  
                                STATE AFFAIRS                                                    
Mar 30        Thursday                        Butrovich 205           3:30 PM                     
+ HB 245 VETERANS' VEHICLE PLATES/FEES/TAXES                                                        
              Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled                                                      
Mar 30        Thursday                        Butrovich 205           1:30 PM                     
              No Meeting Scheduled                                                                  
                            FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEES                                                
Mar 31        Friday                                Beltz 211         7:30 AM                     
+             Closeout                                                                              

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2618
                      COMMERCE, COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEV                                         
Apr 04        Tuesday                               Beltz 211         8:00 AM                     
              -- Meeting Canceled --                                                                
              Budget Closeout                                                                       
                        EDUCATION & EARLY DEVELOPMENT                                            
Mar 29        Wednesday                 Senate Finance 532            4:30 PM                     
              FY07 Operating Budget Closeout                                                        
                          ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION                                             
Mar 29        Wednesday                 Senate Finance 532            7:45 AM                     
              Budget Closeout                                                                       
                                 FISH & GAME                                                     
Mar 29        Wednesday                 Senate Finance 532            1:30 PM                     
              -- Rescheduled from 03/22/06 --                                                       
              FY 07 Budget Closeout                                                                 
Mar 29        Wednesday                 Senate Finance 532            4:00 PM                     
              -- Rescheduled to 03/30/06 --                                                         
              Budget Closeout                                                                       
Mar 30        Thursday                  Senate Finance 532          10:30 AM                      
              Budget Closeout                                                                       
                           HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES                                              
Mar 30        Thursday                     Fahrenkamp 203             4:30 PM                     

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2619
Mar 30        Thursday                  Senate Finance 532            4:30 PM                     
+             Budget Closeout                                                                       
Mar 29        Wednesday                 Senate Finance 532            3:30 PM                     
              -- Rescheduled to 03/30/06 --                                                         
              Budget Closeout                                                                       
Mar 30        Thursday                  Senate Finance 532          10:00 AM                      
              Budget Closeout                                                                       
                        MILITARY AND VETERANS AFFAIRS                                            
Mar 30        Thursday                              Beltz 211         5:30 PM                     
+             Closeout                                                                              
                                PUBLIC SAFETY                                                    
Mar 29        Wednesday                             Beltz 211        12:00 PM                     
+             Closeout                                                                              
Mar 30        Thursday                  Senate Finance 532            1:30 PM                     
+             Budget Closeout                                                                       
                      TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC FACILITIES                                         
Mar 30        Thursday                     Fahrenkamp 203             4:00 PM                     

2006-03-29                     Senate Journal                      Page 2620
                               JOINT COMMITTEES                                                  
                          LEGISLATIVE BUDGET & AUDIT                                             
Mar 29        Wednesday                  House Finance 519            5:00 PM                     
              -- Meeting Canceled --                                                                
              Audit Requests                                                                        
              Executive Session -                                                                   
              Preliminary and Final Audits                                                          
              Other Business                                                                        
Apr 04        Tuesday                    House Finance 519            5:30 PM                     
              Audit Requests                                                                        
              Executive Session -                                                                   
              Preliminary and Final Audits                                                          
              Other Business                                                                        
                             LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL                                                 
Mar 30        Thursday                   House Finance 519            5:00 PM                     
              FY05 Legislature Audit                                                                
              Alaska Statehood Celebration Commission                                               
              Capitol Security                                                                      
                                OTHER MEETINGS                                                   
                       JOINT LEGISLATIVE HEALTH CAUCUS                                           
Mar 29        Wednesday                       Butrovich 205          12:00 PM                     
              "Prevention - Whole Body Health"                                                      
              A light lunch will be served.