Legislature(2005 - 2006)

2006-05-03 Senate Journal

Full Journal pdf

2006-05-03                     Senate Journal                      Page 3095
SB 231                                                                                            
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 231(FIN) "An Act making                                                      
appropriations, including capital appropriations, supplemental                                      
appropriations, reappropriations, and appropriations to capitalize                                  
funds; making appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of                             
the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget reserve fund; and                               
providing for an effective date" was read the third time.                                           
Amendment No. 1 was not offered.                                                                    
Senator Wagoner moved that the bill be returned to second reading for                               
the purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 2.                                    
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                                         
Senator Wagoner offered Amendment No. 2 :                                                            

2006-05-03                     Senate Journal                      Page 3096
Page 4, line 8, following "project.":                                                               
     Insert "The interest rate shall not exceed the prevailing interest                             
rate for a twenty year loan at the time of the completion of Phase II                               
and the loan period would be a term of 20 years."                                                   
Senator Wagoner moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 2.                                          
Senator French objected, then withdrew his objection. There being no                                
further objection, Amendment No. 2 was adopted.                                                     
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 231(FIN) am was automatically in third                                       
Senator Wagoner moved that the bill be returned to second reading for                               
the purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 3.                                    
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                                         
Senator Wagoner offered Amendment No. 3 :                                                            
Page 8, lines 16 - 18:                                                                              
 Delete "Central Peninsula Health Centers, Inc. - New Health                                        
Facility (HD 33-35)"                                                                                
 Insert "Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association - Northern Cook Inlet                                   
Salmon Investigation and Evaluation (HD 33-35)"                                                     
Senator Wagoner moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 3.                                          
Senator French objected, then withdrew his objection. There being no                                
further objection, Amendment No. 3 was adopted.                                                     
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 231(FIN) am was automatically in third                                       
Senator Dyson moved that the bill be returned to second reading for                                 
the purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 4.                                    
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                                         
Senator Dyson offered Amendment No. 4 :                                                              

2006-05-03                     Senate Journal                      Page 3097
Page 33, lines 30 - 33:                                                                             
     Delete all material.                                                                           
Page 8, line 33 - Page 9, line 5:                                                                   
Chugiak Senior Center                                                                               
     Under General Funds:                                                                           
          Delete "$157,000"                                                                         
          Insert "$807,800"                                                                         
Renumber lines accordingly.                                                                         
Amend Sections 2 and 3 of this bill in accordance with this                                         
Senator Dyson moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 4. Senator                                    
Ellis objected, then withdrew his objection. There being no further                                 
objection, Amendment No. 4 was adopted.                                                             
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 231(FIN) am was automatically in third                                       
Senator Davis moved that the bill be returned to second reading for the                             
purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 5.                                        
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                                         
Senators Davis, Green offered Amendment No. 5 :                                                      
Page 3, line 33:                                                                                    
 Insert "African American Historical Society- Resources,                                            
Equipment & Supplies (HD 17-32)"                                                                    
  Under General Funds:                                                                              
              Insert "$30,000"                                                                      
Senator Davis moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 5. Without                                    
objection, Amendment No. 5 was adopted.                                                             
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 231(FIN) am was automatically in third                                       

2006-05-03                     Senate Journal                      Page 3098
Senator Davis moved that the bill be returned to second reading for the                             
purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 6.                                        
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                                         
Senators Davis, Green offered Amendment No. 6 :                                                      
Page 35, line 16:                                                                                   
Municipality of Anchorage-                                                                          
 Under Appropriation Items:                                                                         
  Delete "20,000"                                                                                   
  Insert "60,000"                                                                                   
 Under General Funds:                                                                               
  Delete "20,000"                                                                                   
  Insert "60,000"                                                                                   
Senator Davis moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 6. Without                                    
objection, Amendment No. 6 was adopted.                                                             
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 231(FIN) am was automatically in third                                       
Senator Davis moved that the bill be returned to second reading for the                             
purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 7.                                        
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                                         
Senators Davis, Green offered Amendment No. 7 :                                                      
Page 8, lines 13-15:                                                                                
 Delete all material.                                                                               
Page 41, following line 8:                                                                          
     Insert "Municipality of Anchorage/                                                             
     Anchorage School District -                                                                    
     Totem Fields (HD 17-32)"                                                                       
  Under Appropriation Items:                                                                        
   Insert "188,500"                                                                                 
  Under General Funds:                                                                              
   Insert "188,500"                                                                                 

2006-05-03                     Senate Journal                      Page 3099
Senator Davis moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 7. Without                                    
objection, Amendment No. 7 was adopted.                                                             
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 231(FIN) am was automatically in third                                       
Amendment No. 8 was not offered.                                                                    
Senator Wilken moved that the bill be returned to second reading for                                
the purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 9.                                    
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                                         
Senator Wilken offered Amendment No. 9 :                                                             
Page 109, lines 8 - 9:                                                                              
     Delete all material.                                                                           
Page 132, following line 7:                                                                         
     Insert a new subsection to read:                                                               
     "(f)  The sum of $182,000,000 is appropriated from the budget                                  
reserve fund (art. IX, sec. 17, Constitution of the State of Alaska) to                             
the power cost equalization endowment fund (AS 42.45.070)."                                         
Reletter the following subsection accordingly.                                                      
Page 132, line 8:                                                                                   
     Delete "(a) and (c)"                                                                           
     Insert "(a), (c), and (f)"                                                                     
Page 133, line 8:                                                                                   
     Delete "secs. 14(j), 17(a), 19, 22, 25(b), 26(a), 28, 29, 36 - 49,                             
50(c), and 51 - 55"                                                                                 
     Insert "secs. 17(a), 19, 22, 25(b), 26(a), 28, 29, 36 - 49, 50(c), 51 -                        
55, and 56(f)"                                                                                      
Page 133, line 13:                                                                                  
     Delete "secs. 14, 15(1), and 54"                                                               
     Insert "secs. 14, 15(1), 54, and 56(f)"                                                        

2006-05-03                     Senate Journal                      Page 3100
Page 133, line 18:                                                                                  
     Delete "14(j),"                                                                                
Page 133, line 19:                                                                                  
     Delete "and 51 - 55"                                                                           
     Insert "51 - 55, and 56(f)"                                                                    
Senator Wilken moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 9. Senator                                   
Green objected.                                                                                     
The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 9 be adopted?" The roll                                    
was taken with the following result:                                                                
CSSB 231(FIN) am                                                                                    
Second Reading                                                                                      
Amendment No. 9                                                                                     
YEAS:  6   NAYS:  14   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                   
Yeas:  Bunde, Dyson, Seekins, Therriault, Wagoner, Wilken                                           
Nays:  Cowdery, Davis, Ellis, Elton, French, Green, Guess, Hoffman,                                 
Huggins, Kookesh, Olson, Stedman, Stevens B, Stevens G                                              
and so, Amendment No. 9 failed.                                                                     
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 231(FIN) am was automatically in third                                       
Senator Guess moved that the bill be returned to second reading for                                 
the purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 10.                                   
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                                         
Senator Guess offered Amendment No. 10 :                                                             
Page 3, line 4:                                                                                     
     Delete both occurrences of "15,689,500"                                                      
     Insert in both places "5,689,500"                                                            
Page 3, lines 12 - 14:                                                                              
     Delete the following:                                                                          

2006-05-03                     Senate Journal                      Page 3101
"Voice Over Internet                  $10,000,000                                                   
 Protocol (VoIP)                                                                                    
 Deployment (HD 1-40)"                                                                              
Adjust totals and funding sources accordingly.                                                      
Senator Guess moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 10. Senator                                   
Gary Stevens objected.                                                                              
The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 10 be adopted?" The roll                                   
was taken with the following result:                                                                
CSSB 231(FIN) am                                                                                    
Second Reading                                                                                      
Amendment No. 10                                                                                    
YEAS:  7   NAYS:  13   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                   
Yeas:  Dyson, Ellis, Elton, French, Guess, Kookesh, Olson                                           
Nays:  Bunde, Cowdery, Davis, Green, Hoffman, Huggins, Seekins,                                     
Stedman, Stevens B, Stevens G, Therriault, Wagoner, Wilken                                          
and so, Amendment No. 10 failed.                                                                    
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 231(FIN) am was automatically in third                                       
Senator Green moved that the bill be returned to second reading for                                 
the purpose of a specific amendment, that being Amendment No. 11.                                   
Without objection, the bill was returned to second reading.                                         
Senator Green offered Amendment No. 11 :                                                             
Page 109, line 8:                                                                                   
 Delete "$182,000,000"                                                                              
 Insert "$182,700,000"                                                                              
Page 132, line 21:                                                                                  
 Delete "132"                                                                                       
 Insert "232"                                                                                       

2006-05-03                     Senate Journal                      Page 3102
Page 133, line 16, following "33,":                                                                 
 Insert "35,"                                                                                       
Senator Green moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 11. Senator                                   
Ellis objected, then withdrew his objection. There being no further                                 
objection, Amendment No. 11 was adopted.                                                            
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 231(FIN) am was automatically in third                                       
Senator Cowdery called the Senate. The call was satisfied.                                          
The question being: "Shall CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 231(FIN) am                                       
"An Act making appropriations, including capital appropriations,                                    
supplemental appropriations, reappropriations, and appropriations to                                
capitalize funds; making appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c),                                  
Constitution of the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget                                 
reserve fund; and providing for an effective date" pass the Senate?"                                
The roll was taken with the following result:                                                       
CSSB 231(FIN) am                                                                                    
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                                       
Effective Dates                                                                                     
YEAS:  20   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                   
Yeas:  Bunde, Cowdery, Davis, Dyson, Ellis, Elton, French, Green,                                   
Guess, Hoffman, Huggins, Kookesh, Olson, Seekins, Stedman,                                          
Stevens B, Stevens G, Therriault, Wagoner, Wilken                                                   
and so, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 231(FIN) am passed the Senate.                                       
Senator Gary Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                     
vote on the passage of the bill be considered the vote on the effective                             
date clauses. Without objection, it was so ordered.                                                 
Senator Gary Stevens moved for the adoption of the constitutional                                   
budget reserve fund section.                                                                        

2006-05-03                     Senate Journal                      Page 3103
The question being: "Shall the constitutional budget reserve fund                                   
section (Article IX, Section 17(c) Constitution of the State of Alaska)                             
be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result:                                          
CSSB 231(FIN) am                                                                                    
Budget Reserve Fund Section                                                                         
YEAS:  12   NAYS:  8   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                   
Yeas:  Bunde, Cowdery, Dyson, Green, Huggins, Seekins, Stedman,                                     
Stevens B, Stevens G, Therriault, Wagoner, Wilken                                                   
Nays:  Davis, Ellis, Elton, French, Guess, Hoffman, Kookesh, Olson                                  
and so, the constitutional budget reserve fund section failed.                                      
Senator Wilken gave notice of reconsideration on CS FOR SENATE                                      
BILL NO. 231(FIN) am (brf sup maj fld) "An Act making                                               
appropriations, including capital appropriations, supplemental                                      
appropriations, reappropriations, and appropriations to capitalize                                  
funds; and providing for an effective date."