Legislature(2005 - 2006)

2006-05-08 Senate Journal

Full Journal pdf

2006-05-08                     Senate Journal                      Page 3327
HB 57                                                                                             
CS FOR SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 57(FIN)                                                
was read the third time.                                                                            
The question being: "Shall CS FOR SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR                                            
HOUSE BILL NO. 57(FIN) "An Act relating to the sale of certain                                      
state land to adjacent landowners" pass the Senate?" The roll was                                   
taken with the following result:                                                                    
CSSSHB 57(FIN)                                                                                      
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                                       
YEAS:  19   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  1                                                   
Yeas:  Bunde, Cowdery, Davis, Dyson, Ellis, Elton, French, Green,                                   
Hoffman, Huggins, Kookesh, Olson, Seekins, Stedman, Stevens B,                                      
Stevens G, Therriault, Wagoner, Wilken                                                              
Absent:  Guess                                                                                      
and so, CS FOR SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                                
57(FIN) passed the Senate, was signed by the President and Secretary                                
and returned to the House.