Legislature(2005 - 2006)

2006-03-15 House Journal

Full Journal pdf

2006-03-15                     House Journal                      Page 2771
HB 471                                                                                            
The Finance Committee has considered:                                                               

2006-03-15                     House Journal                      Page 2772
    HOUSE BILL NO. 471                                                                              
    "An Act amending the Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority Act                                     
    and the powers and authority of the authority, and making                                       
    conforming changes to statutes relating to issuance, renewal, or                                
    reinstatement of driver's licenses and to levy on permanent fund                                
    dividends; and providing for an effective date."                                                
and recommends it be replaced with:                                                                 
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 471(FIN)                                                                  
    "An Act amending the Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority Act                                     
    and the powers and authority of the authority to finance                                        
    construction and maintenance of the Knik Arm Bridge, to set and                                 
    collect tolls, and to carry out its duties, and making conforming                               
    changes to statutes relating to issuance, renewal, or reinstatement                             
    of driver's licenses and to levy on permanent fund dividends; and                               
    providing for an effective date."                                                               
The report was signed by Representative Meyer, Co-chair, with the                                   
following individual recommendations:                                                               
Do pass (2):  Foster, Stoltze                                                                       
No recommendation (5):  Kerttula, Joule, Weyhrauch, Moses, Meyer                                    
The following fiscal note(s) apply to CSHB 471(FIN):                                                
1.  Zero, Dept. of Natural Resources                                                                
2.  Zero, Dept. of Transportation & Public Facilities                                               
HB 471 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the                                     