Legislature(2005 - 2006)

2005-02-09 House Journal

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2005-02-09                     House Journal                      Page 0262
HB 42                                                                                             
The Transportation Committee has considered:                                                        
     HOUSE BILL NO. 42                                                                              
     "An Act naming the Joe Williams, Sr., Coastal Trail."                                          
The report was signed by Representatives Gatto and Elkins, Co-chairs,                               
with the following individual recommendations:                                                      
Do pass (5):  Salmon, Neuman, Thomas, Gatto, Elkins                                                 
The following fiscal note(s) apply:                                                                 
2.  Zero, House Transportation Committee/Dept. of Transportation &                                  
Public Facilities                                                                                   
HB 42 was referred to the Finance Committee.