Legislature(2005 - 2006)

2006-02-15 House Journal

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2006-02-15                     House Journal                      Page 2537
                            Mr. Craig Baker                                                        
                       Ms. Linda L. Gillam Black                                                   
                         Ms. Bonnie C. Gaborik                                                     
as members of the Professional Teaching Practices Commission.                                       
The reports were signed by Representative Neuman, Chair; and                                        
Representatives Lynn, Gatto, Wilson, Gara, and Thomas.                                              
HB 389                                                                                            
The House Special Committee on Economic Development, Trade, &                                       
Tourism has considered:                                                                             
    HOUSE BILL NO. 389                                                                              
    "An Act relating to tourist accommodations permits and to                                       
    penalties for failing to comply with permitting requirements;                                   
    removing a requirement that persons operating tourist                                           
    accommodations post certain laws and regulations on the                                         
    premises; and providing for an effective date."                                                 
The report was signed by Representatives Neuman and Ramras, Co-                                     
chairs, with the following individual recommendations:                                              
Do pass (4):  Coghill, Lynn, Crawford, Ramras                                                       
No recommendation (1):  Neuman                                                                      
The following fiscal note(s) apply:                                                                 
1.  Zero, Dept. of Environmental Conservation                                                       
HB 389 was referred to the Labor & Commerce Committee.                                              
HB 412                                                                                            
The House Special Committee on Education has considered:                                            
    HOUSE BILL NO. 412                                                                              
    "An Act relating to the waiver of undergraduate expenses for a                                  
    spouse or dependent of a deceased resident peace officer or                                     
    member of the armed services or fire department."