Legislature(2003 - 2004)

2003-03-03 Senate Journal

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2003-03-03                     Senate Journal                      Page 0317
SB 78                                                                                             
The Finance Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 78 "An Act                                         
relating to an optional group of persons eligible for medical assistance                            
who require treatment for breast and cervical cancer; relating to cost                              
sharing by those recipients under the medical assistance program; and                               
providing for an effective date." Signing do pass: Senators Green and                               
Wilken, Cochairs; Senators Taylor, Ben Stevens. Signing no                                          
recommendation: Senators Hoffman, Olson.                                                            
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                      
 Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Health and Social Services                                        
The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.