Legislature(2003 - 2004)

2004-05-05 Senate Journal

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2004-05-05                     Senate Journal                      Page 3320
SB 335                                                                                            
The Community and Regional Affairs Committee considered                                             
SENATE BILL NO. 335 "An Act relating to enhanced 911 surcharges                                     
and to emergency services dispatch systems of municipalities, certain                               
villages, and public corporations established by municipalities" and                                
recommended it be replaced with                                                                     

2004-05-05                     Senate Journal                      Page 3321
                   CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 335(CRA) "An Act                                         
              relating to enhanced 911 surcharges and to 911 and                                   
          emergency services dispatch systems."                                                     
and further recommended the adoption of the following Community                                     
and Regional Affairs Committee Letter of Intent:                                                    
      Letter of Intent                                                                            
     The Senate Community and Regional Affairs Committee                                            
     finds that recent improvements in the software, hardware,                                      
     equipment and other technology employed in the operation of                                    
     enhanced 911 and other emergency dispatch services has                                         
     changed the economics of providing these important public                                      
     services. The committee also finds that advances in                                            
     telecommunications continue to place new requirements and                                      
     demands on these services and the local governments that                                       
     provide them. However, coordination and consolidation of                                       
     these services within and among communities throughout the                                     
     state, can significantly improve the quality and cost of                                       
     providing enhanced 911 and emergency dispatch services.                                        
     Therefore, it is the intent of this committee to encourage the                                 
     State of Alaska to do everything within its authority to                                       
     facilitate, endorse and promote the coordination of these                                      
     services statewide.                                                                            
Signing no recommendation: Senator Stedman, Chair; Senator                                          
Lincoln. Signing do pass: Senators Wagoner, Gary Stevens.                                           
The following fiscal information was published today:                                               
 Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Department of Public Safety                                               
The bill was referred to the Finance Committee.