Legislature(2003 - 2004)
2004-04-05 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf2004-04-05 Senate Journal Page 2784 SB 241 Senator Ben Stevens moved that the concur message, which had been held on the Secretary's desk April 1 (page 2755), be taken up at this time. Without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Ben Stevens moved that Senate concur in the House amendment to CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 241(FIN) "An Act making an appropriation to the Department of Revenue for work related to bringing North Slope natural gas to market; and providing for an effective date." The question being: "Shall the Senate concur in the House amendment?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 241(FIN) am H Shall the Senate Concur in the House amendment to CSSB 241(FIN)? Effective Date YEAS: 19 NAYS: 1 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Cowdery, Davis, Dyson, Ellis, Elton, French, Green, Guess, Hoffman, Lincoln, Ogan, Olson, Seekins, Stedman, Stevens B, Stevens G, Therriault, Wagoner, Wilken Nays: Bunde and so, the Senate concurred in the House amendment, thus adopting CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 241(FIN) am H "An Act making an appropriation to the Department of Revenue for work related to bringing North Slope natural gas to market; and providing for an effective date." Senator Ben Stevens moved and asked unanimous consent that the vote on concurrence be considered the vote on the effective date clause. Without objection, it was so ordered. 2004-04-05 Senate Journal Page 2785 Senator Ellis moved and asked unanimous consent that the House Letter of Intent (House Journal page 3182) be adopted. Senator Bunde objected. The question being: "Shall the House Letter of Intent be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSSB 241(FIN) am H Adopt Letter of Intent? YEAS: 15 NAYS: 5 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Davis, Dyson, Ellis, Elton, French, Guess, Hoffman, Lincoln, Ogan, Olson, Seekins, Stedman, Stevens G, Therriault, Wilken Nays: Bunde, Cowdery, Green, Stevens B, Wagoner and so, the Legislative Letter of Intent was adopted. The Secretary was requested to notify the House. CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 241(FIN) am H was referred to the Secretary for enrollment with the Legislative Letter of Intent.