Legislature(2003 - 2004)

2004-05-05 House Journal

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2004-05-05                     House Journal                      Page 3832
    HOUSE CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 316(TRA)                                                           
    (same title)                                                                                    
The report was signed by Representative Holm, Chair, with the                                       
following individual recommendations:                                                               
Do pass (2):  Kapsner, Kookesh                                                                      
Do not pass (4):  Masek, Kohring, Stepovich, Holm                                                   
No recommendation (1):  Ogg                                                                         
The following fiscal note(s) apply to HCS SB 316(TRA):                                              
3. Indeterminate, House Transportation Committee/Alaska Court                                       
4.  Indeterminate, House Transportation Committee/Dept. of Public                                   
SB 316 was referred to the Judiciary Committee.                                                     
SB 337                                                                                            
The Finance Committee has considered:                                                               
    CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 337(L&C)                                                                 
    "An Act relating to the powers of the Alaska Energy Authority to                                
    make grants and loans, to enter into contracts, and to improve,                                 
    equip, operate, and maintain bulk fuel, waste energy, energy                                    
    conservation, energy efficiency, and alternative energy facilities                              
    and equipment; relating to the bulk fuel revolving loan fund;                                   
    relating to the Alaska Energy Authority's liability for the provision                           
    of technical assistance to rural utilities; relating to the Alaska                              
    Energy Authority's investment of the power development fund;                                    
    repealing the electrical service extension fund; and providing for                              
    an effective date."                                                                             
and recommends it be replaced with: