Legislature(2003 - 2004)
2003-04-24 House Journal
Full Journal pdf2003-04-24 House Journal Page 1094 HB 92 The following was read the second time: HOUSE BILL NO. 92 "An Act relating to reports by members of the clergy and custodians of clerical records who have reasonable cause to suspect that a child has suffered harm as a result of child abuse or neglect." with the: Journal Page STA RPT CS(STA) NT 5DP 1NR 1AM 633 FN1: ZERO(HSS) 633 FN2: ZERO(LAW) 633 JUD RPT CS(JUD) NT 2DP 5NR 959 FN1: ZERO(HSS) 960 FN2: ZERO(LAW) 960 Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 92(JUD) "An Act relating to reports by members of the clergy who have reasonable cause to suspect that a child has suffered harm as a result of child abuse or neglect." Representative Gruenberg objected. 2003-04-24 House Journal Page 1095 The House stood at ease for a Majority and Minority Caucus at 11:10 a.m.