Legislature(2001 - 2002)

2001-05-05 Senate Journal

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2001-05-05                     Senate Journal                      Page 1545
Page 2, line 12, after "(2)":                                                                       
 Insert  "summary information from the Alaska Cancer Registry                                       
and other Alaska-specific sources available to the Department                                       
regarding risk factors for breast and cervical cancer;"                                             
Renumber following subsections.                                                                     
Senator Leman moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 1. Senator                                    
Ellis objected.                                                                                     
Senator Leman moved and asked unanimous consent for the adoption                                    
of the following amendment to Amendment No. 1:                                                      
Change the second line of Amendment No. 1 to read:                                                  
 Delete "of the types"                                                                              
Without objection, Amendment No. 1 was amended.                                                     
The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 1 as amended be                                            
adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result:                                             
SCS CSHB 65(HES)                                                                                    
Second Reading                                                                                      
Amendment No. 1 as amended                                                                          
YEAS:  14   NAYS:  6   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                   
Yeas:  Austerman, Cowdery, Donley, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman,                                    
Pearce, Phillips, Taylor, Therriault, Torgerson, Ward, Wilken                                       
Nays:  Davis, Ellis, Elton, Hoffman, Lincoln, Olson                                                 
and so, Amendment No. 1 as amended was adopted.                                                     
Senators Ellis, Davis, Elton, Lincoln, Hoffman, Olson offered                                       
Amendment No. 2 :                                                                                    
Page 2, lines 1 - 13:                                                                               
 Delete all material.                                                                               
Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.