Legislature(2001 - 2002)

2001-03-07 House Journal

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2001-03-07                     House Journal                      Page 0500
HB 41                                                                                             
The Health, Education & Social Services Committee submitted a                                       
corrected committee substitute for their report (page 433).  The                                    
following bill is being reprinted today:                                                            
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 41(HES)                                                                   
    "An Act relating to federal child support enforcement                                           
    requirements regarding social security number information,                                      
    employer reports about employees, and certain kinds of automated                                
    data matching with financial institutions; relating to child support                            
    payments; repealing the termination date of changes made by ch.                                 
    87, SLA 1997, and ch. 132, SLA 1998, regarding child support                                    
    enforcement and related programs; repealing the nonseverability                                 
    provision of ch. 132, SLA 1998; repealing uncodified laws                                       
    relating to ch. 87, SLA 1997, and ch. 132, SLA 1998; and                                        
    providing for an effective date."                                                               
HB 41 is in the Judiciary Committee.                                                                
HB 91                                                                                             
Representatives Wilson, Dyson, Cissna, and Coghill added their                                      
names as cosponsors to:                                                                             
    HOUSE BILL NO. 91                                                                               
    "An Act relating to the membership and quorum requirements of                                   
    the State Medical Board."                                                                       
HB 92                                                                                             
Representative Croft added his name as cosponsor to:                                                
    HOUSE BILL NO. 92                                                                               
    "An Act relating to sales of alcoholic beverages near a school or                               
HB 99                                                                                             
Representative Dyson added his name as cosponsor to: