Legislature(1999 - 2000)

1999-07-28 Senate Journal

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1999-07-28                     Senate Journal                      Page 1775
SB 88                                                                        
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 88(FIN) An Act relating to licensure                    
of dietitians and nutritionists; and providing for an effective date           
was enrolled, signed by the President and Secretary, Speaker and               
Chief Clerk and the engrossed and enrolled copies transmitted to the           
Office of the Governor at 8:15 a.m., June 4, 1999.                             
SB 97                                                                        
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 97(FIN) am An Act relating to                           
mental health services and programs; relating to liability for payment         
for mental health evaluation and treatment services; and providing for         
an effective date was enrolled, signed by the President and                    
Secretary, Speaker and Chief Clerk and the engrossed and enrolled              
copies transmitted to the Office of the Governor at 8:35 a.m.,                 
June7, 1999.                                                                   
SB 98                                                                        
SENATE BILL NO. 98 am H An Act relating to teacher tenure                      
was enrolled, signed by the President and Secretary, Speaker and               
Chief Clerk and the engrossed and enrolled copies transmitted to the           
Office of the Governor at 9:20 a.m., June 18, 1999.                            
SB 110                                                                       
HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 110(JUD) An Act                            
relating to liability for the release of hazardous substances involving        
certain property acquired by a governmental entity; relating to                
making a determination as to when a hazardous substance release has            
occurred; relating to liability of a party other than the party                
responsible for the initial release of a hazardous substance; and              
providing for an effective date was enrolled, signed by the President          
and Secretary, Speaker and Chief Clerk and the engrossed and                   
enrolled copies transmitted to the Office of the Governor at 8:15              
a.m., June 9, 1999.                                                            
SB 125                                                                       
HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 125(HES) An Act                            
relating to school crisis response planning was enrolled, signed by            
the President and Secretary, Speaker and Chief Clerk and the                   
engrossed and enrolled copies transmitted to the Office of the                 
Governor at 8:35 a.m., June7, 1999.