Legislature(1997 - 1998)
1997-05-01 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf1997-05-01 Senate Journal Page 1605 SB 141 SENATE BILL NO. 141 An Act relating to permits to carry concealed handguns; and relating to the possession of firearms was read the second time. 1997-05-01 Senate Journal Page 1606 SB 141 Senator Leman, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent for the adoption of the Rules Committee Substitute offered on page 1603. Without objection, CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 141(RLS) was adopted and read the second time. Senator Duncan offered Amendment No. 1 : Page 7, lines 17 - 23: Delete all material and insert: "* Sec. 16. AS18.65.755(a) is amended to read: (a) A permittee may not carry a concealed handgun into (1) a law enforcement or correctional facility; (2) or on school grounds or a school bus; in this paragraph, "school grounds" has the meaning given in AS11.71.900; (3) a courthouse or a courtroom of this state ª,ß unless the permittee (A) is a judge; or (B) has been authorized to possess a concealed handgun by a judge presiding at that courthouse or courtroom; (4) a building housing only state or federal offices or the offices of a political subdivision of the state, except as authorized under (3) of this subsection; (5) an office of the state, federal government, or of a political subdivision of the state that is not located in a building described in (4) of this subsection; (6) a passenger loading or unloading area of an airline terminal; (7) a vessel of the Alaska marine highway system; (8) a facility providing services to victims of domestic violence or sexual assault; (9) or within a residence, other than the permittee's residence, unless the permittee has first obtained the express permission of an adult residing there to bring a concealed handgun into or within the residence ªWHERE NOTICE 1997-05-01 Senate Journal Page 1607 SB 141 THAT CARRYING A CONCEALED HANDGUN IS PROHIBITED HAS BEEN GIVEN BY THE POSTING OF A CONSPICUOUS NOTICE OR BY ORAL STATEMENT BY THE RESIDENT TO THE PERMITTEEß; (10) a meeting of a business, charitable, or other organization or entity where notice that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited has been given by the posting of conspicuous notice; (11) a financial institution; in this paragraph, "financial institution" means a bank, savings bank, savings association, credit union, or other institution regulated by the Department of Commerce and Economic Development under AS06; (12) another place where the possession of a deadly weapon or firearm is prohibited by law; or (13) a municipality or established village that has prohibited the possession of concealed handguns by a permit under AS18.65.780 - 18.65.785." Page 8, line 11: Delete "AS 18.65.715(b), 18.65.725(a)(3), and 18.65.755(b)" Insert "AS 18.65.715(b) and 18.65.725(a)(3)" Senator Duncan moved for the adoption of Amendment No. 1. Senator Taylor objected. Senator Pearce moved and asked unanimous consent that she be allowed to abstain from voting on all amendments and the bill, due to a conflict of interest. Objections were heard and Senator Pearce was required to vote.