Legislature(1997 - 1998)

1998-05-01 House Journal

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1998-05-01                     House Journal                      Page 3391
HB 323                                                                       
The Health, Education & Social Services Committee has considered:              

1998-05-01                     House Journal                      Page 3392
HB 323                                                                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 323                                                            
"An Act relating to the calculation of credited service in the public         
employees' retirement system for noncertificated employees of                  
school districts, regional educational attendance areas, and state             
boarding schools; and providing for an effective date."                        
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 323(HES)                                                
"An Act relating to the calculation of employee contributions and             
credited service in the public employees' retirement system for                
noncertificated employees of school districts, regional educational            
attendance areas, and state boarding schools; and providing for an             
effective date."                                                               
The report was signed by Representative Bunde, Chair, with the                 
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (4):  Bunde, Porter, Kemplen, Brice                                    
No recommendation (2):  Dyson, Green                                           
The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 323(HES):                            
Fiscal note, Dept. of Administration, 5/1/98                                   
HB 323 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the                