Legislature(1997 - 1998)

1998-05-11 House Journal

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1998-05-11                     House Journal                      Page 3780
HB 326                                                                       
The Conference Committee with limited powers of free conference                
considering CSHB 326(FIN) and SCS CSHB 326(FIN) am S                           
recommends the following be adopted:                                           
CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 326                                          
"An Act making appropriations for the operating and capital                   
expenses of the state's integrated comprehensive mental health                 
program; and providing for an effective date."                                 
The report was signed by Representatives Hanley (Chair), Therriault            
and Grussendorf and Senators Pearce (Chair), Sharp and Adams.                  
The report was received in the Chief Clerk's Office at 5:00 p.m.,              
May11, 1998, and is under Unfinished Business.