Legislature(1995 - 1996)
1996-06-04 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf1996-06-04 Senate Journal Page 4269 SB 1010 The Labor and Commerce Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 1010 An Act relating to motor vehicle records and hearings of the Department of Public Safety; increasing the period under which a person may drive a motor vehicle under a temporary permit; relating to ownership of certain abandoned motor vehicles; relating to suspension or revocation of a motor vehicle registration or special permit; relating to renewal of a driver's license by mail; relating to procedures applicable to administrative revocation of a driver's license; relating to commercial driver training schools; increasing the property damage amounts for proof of financial responsibility and proof of motor vehicle eligibility in order to lawfully operate a motor vehicle in the state; amending the definition of `commercial motor vehicle'; relating to prohibited operation of a commercial motor vehicle and to disqualification from driving a commercial motor vehicle; relating to certain notifications in accidents involving property damage; relating to motor vehicle registration procedures; and providing for an effective date and recommended it be replaced with CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 1010(L&C) Signing do pass: Senator Kelly, Chair, Senators Miller, Torgerson, Salo. Signing no recommendation: Senator Duncan. Previous zero fiscal notes apply to the Committee Substitute. The bill was referred to the Rules Committee.