Legislature(1995 - 1996)

1995-03-20 Senate Journal

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1995-03-20                     Senate Journal                      Page 0695
                           MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE                           
Message of March 17 was read, stating the House passed and                     
transmitted for consideration:                                                 
                  FIRST READING AND REFERENCE OF HOUSE BILLS                 
HB 108                                                                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 108 BY REPRESENTATIVES TOOHEY, Bunde,                           
"An Act relating to claims on permanent fund                                  
dividends for defaulted public assistance                                      
was read the first time and referred to the Health, Education and              
Social Services and Finance Committees.                                        
HB 188                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 188(JUD) am BY THE HOUSE                                 
JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, entitled:                                                 
"An Act creating the crime of indecent viewing or                             
was read the first time and referred to the Judiciary Committee.               
The presence of Senator Frank was noted.                                       
                          STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS                         
SB 16                                                                        
The Resources Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 16 "An                      
Act relating to the University of Alaska and university land,                  
authorizing the University of Alaska to select additional state public         
domain land, and defining net income from the University of                    
Alaska's endowment trust fund as `university receipts' subject to              
prior legislative appropriation" and recommended the Community and             
Regional Affairs Committee Substitute offered on page 365 be                   
adopted.  Signing do pass: Senator Leman, Chair, Senators Frank,               
Taylor.  Signing no recommendation: Senator Hoffman.  Signing do               
not pass: Senator Pearce.