Legislature(1995 - 1996)
1995-05-13 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf1995-05-13 Senate Journal Page 1801 HB 9 The following report was received and distributed at 11:00 a.m., May 12, 1995. May 12, 1995 Madam President: Madam Speaker: 1995-05-13 Senate Journal Page 1802 HB 9 The CONFERENCE COMMITTEE with limited powers of free conference considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 9(FIN) "An Act relating to recovery of damages from a person having legal custody of a minor when property is destroyed by the minor, and to recovery from a minor's permanent fund dividend for injury or damage caused by the minor" and SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 9(FIN) am S and recommends CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 9 "An Act relating to recovery of damages from a parent, legal guardian, or person having legal custody of a minor when property is destroyed by the minor, and to recovery from a minor's permanent fund dividend for injury or damage caused by the minor." (title change authorized by HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 21) be adopted. Previous House and Senate fiscal notes. Signing the report: Senator Taylor, Chair, Senators Sharp, Salo, Representative Therriault, Chair, Representatives Parnell, Robinson. Senator Halford moved that the Senate adopt the Conference Committee Report on CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 9. The question being: "Shall CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 9 pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result: Conference CS for HB 9 Adopt Conference Committee Report? YEAS: 20 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Green, Halford, Hoffman, Kelly, Leman, Lincoln, Miller, Pearce, R.Phillips, Rieger, Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Torgerson, Zharoff 1995-05-13 Senate Journal Page 1803 HB 9 and so, CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 9 "An Act relating to recovery of damages from a parent, legal guardian, or person having legal custody of a minor when property is destroyed by the minor, and to recovery from a minor's permanent fund dividend for injury or damage caused by the minor" passed the Senate. The Secretary was requested to notify the House.