Legislature(1995 - 1996)
1995-04-22 House Journal
Full Journal pdf1995-04-22 House Journal Page 1457 HJR 41 The following was read the second time: HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 41 Supporting an exemption from the Jones Act for bulk commodities, such as coal and coal derived fuels, produced in Alaska. with the: Journal Page WTR RPT 3DP 1NR 1426 ZERO FISCAL NOTE (WTR CMTE) 1426 TRA REFERRAL WAIVED 1433 1995-04-22 House Journal Page 1458 HJR 41 Representative Vezey moved and asked unanimous consent that HJR 41 be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final passage. There being no objection, it was so ordered. HJR 41 was read the third time. The question being: "Shall HJR 41 pass the House?" The roll was taken with the following result: HJR 41 Third Reading Final Passage YEAS: 35 NAYS: 0 EXCUSED: 4 ABSENT: 1 Yeas: Austerman, Barnes, Brice, Brown, Bunde, G.Davis, Finkelstein, Foster, Grussendorf, Hanley, Ivan, James, Kelly, Kohring, Kott, Kubina, Mackie, MacLean, Martin, Masek, Moses, Mulder, Navarre, Nicholia, Ogan, Phillips, Porter, Robinson, Rokeberg, Sanders, Therriault, Toohey, Vezey, Williams, Willis Excused: Davies, B.Davis, Elton, Parnell Absent: Green And so, HJR 41 passed the House and was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment.