Legislature(1995 - 1996)
1995-09-27 House Journal
Full Journal pdf1995-09-27 House Journal Page 2335 A message dated August 7, 1995, was received stating the Governor has read the following resolution and is transmitting the engrossed and enrolled copies to the Lieutenant Governor's office for permanent filing: CS FOR SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 13(CRA) Recognizing the women who have served Alaska as state or territorial legislators and celebrating 100 years of women serving as state legislators. Legislative Resolve No. 24 SJR 27 A message dated August 7, 1995, was received stating the Governor has signed the following resolution and is transmitting the engrossed and enrolled copies to the Lieutenant Governor's office for permanent filing: CS FOR SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 27(RES) Endorsing development of the Fall Creek hydroelectric project near Gustavus. Legislative Resolve No. 23 HJR 9 On September 20, 1995, a copy of a letter dated September 19 to Lieutenant Governor Ulmer was received stating the Governor noted adoption of the following resolution and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled copies for permanent filing: CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 9(JUD) Requesting the governor to file suit in the United States Supreme Court against the United States government alleging violations of the civil rights of Americans listed as prisoners of war or missing in action in Southeast Asia, demanding that documents concerning these individuals be released; and requesting the other states to join in this suit. Legislative Resolve No. 31