Legislature(1995 - 1996)

1995-01-30 House Journal

Full Journal pdf

1995-01-30                     House Journal                      Page 0172
HJR 13                                                                       
The Resources Committee has considered:                                        

1995-01-30                     House Journal                      Page 0173
HJR 13                                                                       
HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 13                                                 
Endorsing, in principle, legislation authorizing oil and gas leasing,         
exploration, and development on the coastal plain within the Arctic            
National Wildlife Refuge, provided the legislation does not contain            
a provision decreasing this state's royalty.                                   
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 13 (O&G)                                    
Urging the United States Congress to pass legislation to open the             
coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, to oil           
and gas exploration, development, and production.                              
The report was signed by Representative Green, Co-Chair, with the              
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (6):  Williams, Ogan, Barnes, Austerman, Kott, Green                   
Amend (1):  Nicholia                                                           
The following fiscal note applies to CSHJR 13(O&G):                            
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Natural Resources, 1/25/95                          
HJR 13 was referred to the Finance Committee.