Legislature(1995 - 1996)

1995-04-18 House Journal

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1995-04-18                     House Journal                      Page 1343
HB 35                                                                        
Do pass (4):  G.Davis, Bunde, Toohey, Robinson                                 
The following fiscal note applies to CSHB 35(HES):                             
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Commerce & Economic Development,                    
HB 35 was referred to the Judiciary Committee.                                 
HB 172                                                                       
The Health, Education & Social Services Committee has considered:              
HOUSE BILL NO. 172                                                            
"An Act relating to kindergarten programs and compulsory                      
education; to identification required upon enrollment in a public              
school; to those grades that constitute elementary, junior, and                
secondary school; and providing for an effective date."                        
The report was signed by Representative Bunde, Co-chair, with the              
following individual recommendations:                                          
Do pass (3):  Bunde, Toohey, Robinson                                          
No recommendation (1):  G.Davis                                                
The following fiscal note applies:                                             
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Education, 4/18/95                                  
HB 172 was referred to the Finance Committee.                                  
HB 207                                                                       
The Finance Committee has considered:                                          
HOUSE BILL NO. 207                                                            
"An Act relating to adjustments to royalty reserved to the state to           
encourage otherwise uneconomic production of oil and gas;                      
relating to the depositing of royalties and royalty sale proceeds in           
the Alaska permanent fund; and providing for an effective date."