Legislature(1995 - 1996)

1995-05-16 House Journal

Full Journal pdf

1995-05-16                     House Journal                      Page 2218
HB 9                                                                         
A memorandum, dated May 15, 1995, from Rosemary Kimlinger,                     
Enrolling Secretary, Division of Legal Services, was read, regarding           
the following:                                                                 
CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 9                                            
"An Act relating to recovery of damages from a parent, legal                  
guardian, or person having legal custody of a minor when property              
is destroyed by the minor, and to recovery from a minor's                      
permanent fund dividend for injury or damage caused by the                     
The memo stated:                                                               
"The following amendment, Amendment No. 3 to SCSCSHB9(FIN),                    
adopted on page 1346 of the Senate Journal, was inadvertently omitted          
from the Conference Committee drafts including the final version that          

1995-05-16                     House Journal                      Page 2219
HB 9                                                                         
was adopted May 12, 1995, in the House and May 13, 1995, in the                
On page 2, lines 30 - 31, of SCS CSHB 9(FIN):                                 
Delete: "; recovery under this subparagraph is limited to $10,000         
Insert: "[; RECOVERY UNDER THIS SUBPARAGRAPH IS                               
LIMITED TO $2,000]"                                                            
It is clear that the Conference Committee was working with                     
SCSCSHB9(FIN) amS and that the amendment language should                       
have been included in the Conference Committee report.                         
I have made this correction in enrolling on page 2, lines 27 - 28 of           
**The presence of Representative Kott was noted.                               
A Letter of Disclosure was received in accordance with AS 24.60, and           
appears in House Journal Supplement No. 9.