Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1993-04-19 Senate Journal

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1993-04-19                     Senate Journal                      Page 1484
SB 200                                                                       
The Rules Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 200 "An Act                     
allowing the holders of a multiple-beneficiary charitable gaming               
permit that consists entirely of noncommercial broadcasting stations           
or networks of such stations to sell a pull-tab series at more than            
one location during the same day if the sales are made at the                  
customary business location of one or more of the holders, at                  
another location by an employee of one of the stations or networks,            
or by a registered vendor; allowing permittees that are                        
noncommercial broadcasting stations or networks of such stations to            
contract with vendors to sell pull-tabs on behalf of the permittee at          
retail establishments, eating establishments, and establishments with          
liquor licenses; allowing municipalities to prohibit vendors from              
conducting gaming activities within the municipality; relating to              
reports by the commissioner regulating charitable gaming to the                
legislature; requiring registration of vendors; relating to                    
multiple-beneficiary charitable gaming permits and door prizes for             
charitable gaming; preventing persons with felony convictions or               
convictions for crimes involving theft or dishonesty or a violation of         
gambling laws from being involved in charitable gaming activities              
as a permittee, licensee, vendor, person responsible for an activity,          
fund raiser or consultant of a licensee, or employee in a managerial           
or supervisory capacity and providing exceptions for certain persons           
whose convictions are at least 10 years old and are not for violation          
of an unclassified felony described in AS 11, a class A felony, or             
extortion; prohibiting a prize or award of more than $250,000 in a             
pull-tab game that provides a right to participate in a lottery;               
requiring a vendor contracting with a permittee to pay the permittee           
at least 50 percent of the ideal net for each pull-tab series delivered        
to the vendor by the permittee; and providing for an effective date."          
Signing to calendar: Senator Jacko, Chair, Senators Rieger, Halford,           
SENATE BILL NO. 200 is on today's calendar.