Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1994-05-06 Senate Journal

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1994-05-06                     Senate Journal                      Page 4431
SB 191                                                                       
Senator Kerttula moved and asked unanimous consent to withdraw                 
his motion.  Without objection, it was so ordered.                             
HB 183                                                                       
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 183(TRA) "An Act                           
directing the identification and delineation of a transportation and           
utility corridor between Fairbanks and the Seward Peninsula; and               
providing for an effective date" was read the third time.                      
The question being:  "Shall SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE                         
BILL NO. 183(TRA) "An Act directing the identification and                     
delineation of a transportation and utility corridor between Fairbanks         
and the Seward Peninsula; and providing for an effective date" pass            
the Senate?"  The roll was taken with the following result:                    
SCS CSHB 183(TRA)                                                              
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
YEAS:  11   NAYS:  9   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Frank, Halford, Jacko, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce, Phillips,          
Rieger, Sharp, Taylor                                                          
Nays:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Kerttula, Lincoln, Little, Salo,          
and so, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 183(TRA)                           
passed the Senate.                                                             
Senator Taylor moved the effective date clause.                                
The question being:  "Shall the effective date clause be adopted?"             
The roll was taken with the following result:                                  
SCS CSHB 183(TRA)                                                              
Effective Date Vote                                                            
YEAS:  11   NAYS:  9   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Frank, Halford, Jacko, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce, Phillips,          
Rieger, Sharp, Taylor