Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1994-04-13 Senate Journal

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1994-04-13                     Senate Journal                      Page 3626
SB 370                                                                       
today from Department of Revenue.  Forthcoming fiscal note (page               
3525) for the Judiciary Committee Substitute for SENATE BILL NO.               
370 "An Act providing an exemption from gambling laws for                      
gambling conducted by cruise ships for their ticketed passengers in            
the offshore water of the state outside of ports; requiring certain            
disclosures in connection with promotions on board cruise ships and            
making violation of that provision an unfair trade practice; defining          
`cruise ship'; and providing for exemption fees for certain cruise             
ships before they can conduct gambling in the offshore water of the            
state" published today from Department of Revenue.                             
HB 54                                                                        
The Labor and Commerce Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE                       
BILL NO. 54(L&C) "An Act relating to telephone caller                          
identification; and providing for an effective date" and recommended           
it be replaced with                                                            
	SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                           
Signing do pass: Senator Kelly, Chair, Senators Rieger, Sharp, Salo,           
Zero fiscal note for the Committee Substitute and the Senate                   
Committee Substitute published today from Department of Commerce               
and Economic Development.                                                      
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 54(L&C) was referred to the Judiciary                    
HB 183                                                                       
The Transportation Committee considered CS FOR HOUSE BILL                      
NO. 183(FIN) am "An Act directing the identification and                       
delineation of a transportation and utility corridor between Fairbanks         
and the Seward Peninsula; and providing for an effective date" and             
recommended it be replaced with                                                
	SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                           