Legislature(1993 - 1994)
1994-05-03 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf1994-05-03 Senate Journal Page 4278 HB 407 Date: May 2, 1994 Mr. President: Madam Speaker: The Conference Committee considering HOUSE BILL NO. 407 and SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 407(FIN) am S "An Act relating to issuance of commemorative gold rush motor vehicle license plates; and providing for an effective date" requests limited powers of free conference on the following specific points: (1) Making the Gold Rush Commemoration license plate a special issue plate as authorized by HB 407 instead of the new general issue plate as authorized by SCS HB 407(FIN) am S. (2) Providing for issuance on one registration plate for all vehicles as authorized by SCS HB 407(FIN) am S. No comparable section exists in HB 407. (3) Making an appropriate descriptive title change. Signing the report: Senator Sharp, Chair, Representative Foster, Chair. President Halford granted the Senate members limited powers of free conference as requested. The Secretary was requested to notify the House.